180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

since you have a 180, I would plan for 2 big angels. you have the room for about 40-50 inches of fish? plenty of room. I would go with 2 big angels and then a slew of other fish to run interference between them. You will be set up. Just need to decide which will be the next angel? frequent feeding will also help them get along.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
yes i think i can pull off one more maybe i just dont want to overdo it. jack is so massive himself..... but it should be good. i hope. my only other fish in there besides those two is my sixline. he has to feel so small with those 2 in there!
I have only been able to keep one kind of zoanthid, the ugly brown ones. Angels love to pick at them. It usually ends up in their deaths. I have tried about 6 different kinds and all have been eaten.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I forgot about your jack. Great looking fish I might add. Jacks are pretty aggressive aren't they? if that is the case, I would avoid the blue face altogether. stick with the french or emperor

-Dr Marco :sfish:
dang. i have some of those brown ones. they suck. oh well. i have a big leather and some mushrooms that should be great. and i can always get more. and lighting doesnt have quite what i need for other corals that i want so its all good
no exactly the opposite. they are very passive and very peaceful. and very playful too. he loves saying hi to me when i walk up to the tank. its great
huh, maybe the blue face is an option. They are a totally different family from the koran and they will get along fine. They are really peaceful fish though and don't like too much competition for food

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i may have to wait a while on the other fish. im not sure how well my super skimmer will keep up. i may need to get something else too. not sure
good point. you do want to make sure you can keep them alive!!! hmmm, maybe I should try that approach instead of killing them within a week

-Dr Marco :sfish:
it sucks........ but its true too. some noobs just dont realize that. i need to relocate my skimmer to a spot that is consistant i am really tired of constantly tuning it in
are you planning on getting a bigger skimmer then before adding more fish? maybe an additional one?

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I have heard that it is better to have 2 skimmers rather than just one big one. Same rationalle as more than one heater. back up. If i were you, I would look to add a skimmer if your sump can handle the additional equipment

-Dr Marco :sfish:
well i am actually going to try to hook my current skimmer back in the overflow i think. i need a constant non changing level of water and i think it would work perfect. i just need to take some measurements
ummmm, so you are jealous that you are know being talked about? Is that what makes a "good" thread? You are clearly tired from lack of sleep and too much partying. Maybe you should take a nap and come back when you are more levelheaded.

-Dr Marco :sfish: