120 Gallon Cube - Drilled Reef Tank

That's beautiful!!
Thank you!
I finally took some pictures but I don't have the best camera in the world but they'll have to do. Also, I just cleaned the glass so some water is a little cloudy.

Also, I've uploaded a video to Youtube if you want to watch it. Here's the link - I'm uploading it now so the link may not be active yet:)
Survey of Aquarium


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Here are some more pictures of my tank. My Hammer Coral has never looked better really. There is a really up close shot of my Brain Coral and then a shot of a my two headed Duncan Coral. :)

I made this video with my cell phone and thought it was kind of funny. My Clarkii Clown video bombed me at the end:)


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Small update on the fish tank. I have added a few new entries since the last post. Here is a video of the tank including new entries. I removed the three Domino Damsels because they were attacking every fish in my tank. They are the spawn of the devil! LOL After I removed them, my whole tank seemed to be more friendly and come out more. My bi-color dottyback even comes out and hangs out in the front of the tank now. He used to always hide. I added a blue tang, rabbit fish, and a valentini puffer. I know, I know! The puffer is a bad idea in the reef tank. I research for the best kind though and he was reef safe with caution. I have been watching him and he picks at the rocks and stuff and every now and then he'll peck at a snail. As long as he leaves my coral alone, I'm OK with buying more snails for him if he eats them. :)
