Marinne's Reef

everything is doing good despite the tank destruction last the stupid Angel out lol, however my Goby has found new sand that was uncovered and created a storm haha

Also, I have some new swim throughs and the clown is in heaven...he saw one and kept going in and out, in and out for like 10 minutes and I was dying
I have loads of zoes and a CB angel he never seems to bother them. Also another good choice is a bristle tooth Kole tang.My guy never stops grazing.
stupid vermitid snails...can't get them out of the tank, their nets are causing my zoas not to open

I usually kill 4-5 a week that I can see
love being back in my is the new and only SW tank for right now, up an cycling already lol

threw in some house pics even though we aren't done getting stuff put away


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Yikes, my nitrates are already at 40ppm during the cycle...looks like I need to start making water LOL

Ammonia is at .25 still and trites are 1ppm