Chad's 46 gallon bowfront


Reefing newb
Hello to all! I'm brand new to the hobby and with the help of several nice people from this forum I am close to adding fish! My tank finished its cycle last week and my CUC should be here tomorrow. I know its not much to look at now, but I thought I would go ahead and post pics of what I have going to far. I've read through several posts and watched some of your reef tanks start out like mine and progress into some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It truly is inspirational to see what some of you have accomplished. I have several other threads in different sections asking several questions so if one of the mods wants to join them all together and put them here thats fine with me. Thank you to everyone for the words of wisdom.


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Well thank you! I'm not sure why the pics look so blue. I'll take pics with our digital camera when I add my CUC and post them.
My CUC came in today. I ordered it from and I didn't get what I ordered....I got about TWICE as much as I ordered! John is amazing. I even got 6-10 dwarf hermits mixed in there. So needless to say I am more than satisfied, and will gladly order anything that I may need in the future from them. I took several pics but my computer won't let me upload them, AGAIN. But I will get them uploaded in the morning from work. Thanks again to everyone!
I agree! When I get my big tank up and going next year i'll be ordering all of my base rock and CUC from him. Quick question, i've got a huge wad of snails on and around my heater. Is this a hint that my tank is too cold? Its sitting at about 77 degrees right now.


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WHAT are these little things all over the Nerite's? It apears like a little fan type thing comes out of the opening for a second or two then sucks back in really fast. Any ideas?


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My lastest and greatest rockscape. It will have to do for now until I get more rock in there!


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Is that bad or good? Also, what did you think of my newest rock arrangement? I read your 46 gallon thread and am so jealous of how awesome your setup is!