the 210 gallon in wall project

If they'd pay me or sponsor some of my projects I'd do it. I just wish I could find someone to pay me to do this kinda stuff. That'd be my dream job.

Well today is a milestone for the tank. Starting to get the red skummy stuff on the sand.

Also reworked a bit of the plumbing. Before I had both overflows just dumped into the sump. Now one of them dumps into the bucket where the skimmer is. So now I can remove the pump that was filling the bucket. And the skimmer is now getting all new dirty water and not partially recirculated water. Not to mention the heat savings of removing that pump.

And now that the lights go up and down, I can get the SCWD plumbing figured out.
I can't see the end of the bolt, it looks like you were using a wrench to turn it? If so, have you thought about getting a nut driver at Home Depot and attaching it to a portable drill?
you mean on the winch? no there is a handle that is screwed on... well, actually it slips on over a couple flat spots, called a douple d drive, and then a nut goes on over that...

my plan is to just take the handle off, put a sprocket on in its place, and then drive that electrically...

but for today, my plan is to work on the SCWD... i gotta get it plumbed back in, and now that the lights are a movn, i can get in there and work on it, get the snooooozels all figured out and not just temporarly arranged like they were before...
Just a short vid of the tank under just actinics.
[ame=]YouTube - My 210 under actinics[/ame]
Great video! All of your fish seem to love the camera! Snowflake looks like he is doing well! How many lbs of LR do you have in there now?
yea, they are all getting used to the new surroundings, so they are starting to relax and get currious about the movement outside the tank, before all they would do is hide...

i really think it has to do with the lights... before there wasnt much light in the tank, i would say about equal with the room lighting, so that made us seem like large preditors i guess... but now that there is MUCH more light in the tank, i guess we appear darker and less like a threat, so now they are all currious....

yea snowflake is still swimming around for hours each evening, but he's started taking a silverside from me hand feeding him each day, so he's getting better too... (i use tongs to feed not my bare hand)

you know, i really dont know how many lbs i have... i would estimate somewhere in the 150-200lbs range, but that may be a little optimistic... i do have prolly another 20 lbs in the sump, stuff i made and decided i didnt like the way it looked, so i put it in the system, cause its good rock, but i just thought there were better choices for the display part... YKWIM?

besides, i like the videos, its something different than just a stillframe... hehehehe and i can do it all from the couch on my iPhone... hehehehe
this morning's measurements....
ammonia - 0
nitrate - 0
salt - 1.0255(pulled out 1 gallon of salty and replaced with 1 gallon of RO)
temp 77.4
calcium - 620-640 (a bit on the high side, isnt it?)

I'm planning to go to the LFS today, so i think i'll take a sample of the water, just to have them double check me...
so i took a sample of my water to the lfs... everything looks good 'cept my salinity, 1.030. dang... ok, i can fix that... 3 more gallons of water out, and 3 more gallons of RO in, we'll see where that gets me...

come to find out, my refractometer was outta whack, i calabrated it, and sure'nuff, i got 1.030 as well... so, glad i double checked...

also, picked up some more algae sheets for Panicy Pete, (the foxface) he loves that stuff, along with mysis shrimp, calurpa from the fuge, and just about anything else i put in the tank... PIG!

also got my first mushrooms while at the LFS... man, i'm nervous, but its better than the BTA i was looking at, should be easier to keep, should live a good long time, grow, and will be a good early warning sign if the water params get outta whack... and they are blue(ish) and there is also a couple green spotted ones on there... while getting these guys, i asked what they like to eat and how much light, i was told that they like chromaplex and medium light, and since my zoas look like they are getting too much light, i think i'll move them from the middle(hight intensity) to the left end of the tank where there is more actinic and less overall light... see what that does... and then i'll put the shrooms on the sand, leaning back against the rock(LFS guy suggestion) and probably on the boundry of high and medium light and see how they do... Suggestions?

also picked up 3 more turbo's and 3 astrea snails, cause, well, i need them, and i think they are fun to watch...

heres pictures from a couple min ago...
the freshwater tank and the q tank standing side by side...

the new pegboard up over the "table" for now... untill i get the good tables...


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heres a couple pics of the rock in the tank...


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Nice build...I would love to see a $$ total at the end of this...

I know what I have spent on my 33.... seriously though...crazy nice.
oh man i couldnt even begin to add it all up... all the plumbing parts, and lumber and stuff i've built only to figure out that it didnt work, stuff like that....

yea they are starting to open up a lil more now, so i think that they are gonna get comfy, i hope anyway... also the crusade to lower my salinity is continuing... couple gallons every hour or so.... i figure it'll take me a couple days to drop it...
well, i'll tell ya, if you have a friend, a power screwdriver, and know how to find the studs in your wall, its a well spent $50, the sheet of perf board was like 20, and then all the packages of pegs that you need, just pay attention to the board your getting... if its 1/4 inch or 1/8 inch... you can use 1/8 inch pegs in a 1/4 board, but not the other way around....
heres a couple update pictures of the new shrooms... they are getting bigger and bigger, so i guess they are happy...


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i hope so... found the tank PH dropping a bit yesterday, so i worked up a lil 40 gallon water change.. hehehe, a lil 40 gallon, thats just barely over 10% of the system... hehehe.. anyway... ph is comming back up nice and slow.. it got down to 8.0 so not too bad, but definately not good. I noticed the shrooms pulling back just a bit, thats what clued me in to start checking things... I've been bad, this is my first real "routine" water change since getting this thing up and running....

oh well, the shrooms are already lookn better again.. so... things are good, for now...