What have you done to your reef tank today?

Got this idea from an auto forum I use to talk on. Basically people would make short posts in the thread about what they did to their car that day. They even made it a sticky on that forum and it now has thousands of posts. Anyways, don't know if this idea will fly here but I thought I would try it out and see what people think.

So it would be cool if people could try this and make a small post about what you did to your reef tank today (or any day that you are posting) and maybe a photo or two if you like also. Here, I'll go first:

Today, I turned on my lights after a 3 day blackout. I was trying to get rid of dinoflagalates. I also made a cool moonlight fixture out of 20 blue 5mm LEDs.


Just like that. Wasn't sure which section this should go in, so I just posted it here. Looked for another thread like this but didn't see one. If it takes off, maybe it could even be posted in the tank showcase section.
I'm going to love this thread as well. Here's what I did to my tank today. Actually my nephew did it while he was over, while I watched and supervised.:D Got some more room in the front of the rock and all around made a better looking presentation on the tank. Fish seem to like it alot better. Here's some pics. 1st is before- 2nd after.


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PRC, I really like the cave on the right side, I can't wait till I have a tank big enough to have a big cave like that.

Today, I set my tank finally! Added the salt, and picked up my rock/sand (the rest of the boxes are still in the garage) from TBS from the airport today!


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Um....I stared at my tank, took a headcount (took all of 3 seconds, seeing as how I only have 2 chromis, 1 clown, 1 banggai, and 1 firefish LOL)....and made food for the next 2 weeks (prerinsed the food, premeasured, separated out into the pill box, and refroze)...fed the fish.
90 Gallon: Moved my brain over into a better spot -- he was creeping too close to the torch. Did a 10 gallon water change and cleaned the glass. Glued down the last batch of frags I got last week into their permanent spots.

10 Gallon: Cleaned the glass, did a 3 gallon water change, took pictures for my contest thread.
I have a two polyp Torch that I man handled the other day and now one is dead and the other is fine. I also mixed water and put a lot of calcium in and now it smells chemically and funny. What's that smell?
Yesterday- I fed all of my corals and fish. I did a 10% WC and cleaned out my skimmate. Then I sat in my rollie chair that sits next to my tank for about 2 hours looking at stuff :)