RIJohn s 90 Gallon


Reefing newb
I planed to post pictures of my empty 90 tank that just came in today. After getting it home and onto it's cherry finished stand I found two cracks in the tank. By the time I realized it my LFS was closed. I am going to call and hopefully get a replacement. On the plus side all but my lights and skimmer arrived.
I totally agree with CDaubs... Too many people fill up their tanks because they're so excited and man, then it's a disaster to find out the tank is leaking!! Your LFS shouldn't give you any hassle about replacing it. It's the decent thing to do.
Sucks to find a crack in a new tank.But better to find it now than 6 months down the road.
Cant wait to see it up and running though.
Ok so after bringing the tank back to my LFS and them showing me that the "crack" was nothing more then a horrible sealing job. They made the "crack" disappear. Whoops now that my pride has been hurt... none the less here are two photos of the tank so far.

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Here is the photo of the tank with out water yet sorry for the glare on tank
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The second is the sump minus skimmer

Lighting will be in on Tuesday, and skimmer is on back order.

As for plumbing I will attempt it on Tuesday, I have no clue what so ever I am doing but I will figure it out.

Once going it in so far is going to be 180lbs of live rock, and 90lbs of live sand in the DT.

Fuge is going to have 1-5lbs of live sand, with three macro algeas in it.

As for actual fish and corals still in the air with all the choices, but definitely a Indo Pacific Reef Tank.

Thanks for Looking I will post pictures once I have the water in it.
I know your pride is bruised, but isn't that better than having to sit around and wait for a replacement tank? :)

It sounds like you're going to have a busy week. I'm looking forward to the updates!
Yes it was bruised but yes it is nice not having to wait for a replacement. It will be a very busy week, still though dont know when my skimmer is coming in though, I figure I could fill it with water and get temps right. No waiste from fish or rocks, so no need for skimmer right now, right?
Bruised egos is just one more aspect of the hobby.:D Besides,Its always better to be safe than sorry.
Got a projected wet date yet?
Ok well here is the update of my tank. Wet Date will be tomorrow afternoon photos will be on once its filled and leak checked.

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Ok here is thank tank with Lights and overflow all set up

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Here is the sump with plumbing

that looks good! I really like your tank. I'd suggest you get rid of that 90* connector in your sump and put a straight connector in instead. The 90* is just going to create extra head pressure that you don't need on your pump.