the 210 gallon in wall project

yea, most people dont think its needed, but for me, its just like BJ said, its just a fear quencher. cheap insurance... i've never seen it be a problem, i've never even heard of it, but the way i figure it, if it makes me sleep better, then it dosent matter what it costs, right?

ok, i've stopped measuring, but i think we're in the 50 gallon neighborhood, and i have the drains plumbed over to the sump, i need a couple more parts to finish it out...

also, heres my return pump section all finished up, its got a 3 inch stack in the middle, with a home made adjustable section... the ATO float valve will go in this as well ofcourse... but i've got about as far as my feet will cary me tonight, not to metion that i need a couple more parts, trip # who's counting to home depot.. hehehe


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Thanks! i'm just trying to do it right the first time, rather than having to come back and change it later, tho, really, i know that i will, but i'm trying...

more water, and now the first couple cups of salt.... this is gonna take a couple days to get full, my RO is kinda slow...

for right now, i have 3 of my little harbor freight pumps just moving the water around in the tank, keeping some flow over the heater... and i just dropped my spare rio 2100 in there, just to really get it moving a bit more so i can start mixing in some salt...


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I was impatient about filling my tank too, so I went to Walmart and spent $20 on bottles of RO water. Yeah it cost some money, but my tank was filled immediately.
yea, i thought about it, but its just not important to me to move all that much faster, this way, if something bad happens, well, then i have more time to find it and fix it before i get everything all full... besides, this is why i bought a RO, so i didnt have to "go get water" any more...

i got into this hobby partially to learn some patients, i think this is as good as a test of that as i can come up with.. besides, there are still remodeling things that need to be done, so i can work on that while i wait...

Know what i mean? :mrgreen:
thanks everybody, i just hope i have enough brains to make it all work..

one of the things that i think i'm gonna need to invest in pretty soon, is a booster pump for my RO, cause this is a pittiful stream... i pee'd a bigger stream when i passed my kidney stones!

adding water 5-10 gallons at a time, as the RO tries to keep up, i've also started adding salt to the tank, and i dropped in my new return pump(rio 32hf), and my rio 2100 to keep it all mixed up...

course, when i say i added a couple cups of salt, what i mean is a couple of these red 16 oz plastic cups i use for stuff... hehehehe


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You must have got your RO/DI unit the same place I got mine. Slow as Molasses on a Wisconsin Morning RO/DI.

When you do a 20% water change that's the size of most peoples tanks.!!
yea, well, water changes are gonna be something that i have a super streamlined process designed for, you see, above the big black 100 gallon sump tank, i'm gonna put up strong shelving, and on thoes shelves, are gonna be things like the fuge, the mangrove forrest, a salt mixing tank, and so on... also, in the bottom of the 100 gal tank there is a threaded bulkhead, so attached to that i have a valve, so, when i wanna take water out of the system, all i have to do is open that valve, (which for now will dump into a bucket that i can carry out, but in the future will have a drainline going out throught the wall) drain out some of the water in the system, while its still running, just watching the return pump section, then open a valve on the salt mixing tank up above and let in how ever much new saltwater i need. rinse, repeat.

oh, also, got the pressure lines plumbed in, and i'm now doing the first static water bulkhead leak test...


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well, just thought i'd give yall a quick update, the tank is about half full, and the sump is still dry... the more i think about it, the more i think about gathering up my buckets and making a trip over to the wallyworld and getting a 40 gallon jump on my RO...

oh, wait, i have a pressure pump, oh oh oh, i gotta see if that will work as a booster pump.. hehehehe harborfreight to the rescue, if it works... i'll let yall know later if it does me any good...
so the pump that i have puts out right at 100 PSI, so now i gotta wonder is that too much to put into my RO?

well, i went and hooked it up, and bumped the imput pressure from 40 psi to right at 100 with my pump, and then i timed the RO output, i trippled my output rate!!!

so, i guess i'll let this pump run for a while and see how it does, its really not intended to be sitting there running against an almost dead head, so we'll see how long it lasts... but at 39 bucks, its cheaper than anything else i can come up with today...
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Thats a lot of pressure on the RO membrane. I might call the manufacturer and ask them if it will damage the rubber membrane. :question:
most membranes that i looked at say any were from 80 psi to 125 psi max look at the site you got it from and it should say somewere when you click on the replacement membrane