Well my 300g. build stalled out


Reefing newb
Ok, I have the tank set up in the living room and finished all of the plumbing. I took tons of pics also. I bought about 280 ponds of live rock and began filling the tank with the r/o. Hmmm... I forgot to install the dual DI. So after playing around and trying to get things right, I used all 400 gallons worth of salt mix. Grrrrr...
So then the next issue is that my Dolphin World series ampmaster pump starts vibrarting and humming like crazy throughout the house. Great!!! I tear it out and take it apart to find that somehow, somewhere there is a piece of acrylic jammed in the impeller. I called Dolphin and Moe over there has got to be the nicest person on the planet. They are taking care of me and sending me a new pump after they receive my other pump and some cash. Finally something worked out.
Now the closer I look at my plumbing, the more I realize I need to throw about $150.00 worth of it away and start new. The new pump is 1-1/2" fitting where as my other one was 2". Oh well, just more reason to try to fit 45 degree fittings where the 90's are.
Now on to another issue. I got hit hard by the tax man this year so my plans for 6 AI LED fixtures went out the window for at least 3 months. So, in a rush I bought a halide fixture. Problem is, its 3 175 watt halides, not 250 like I need. Oh, and the loud magnetic ballasts. I have a friend that works for the largest aquarium industry distributor and come to find out they no longer carry any 250 watt fixtures. And Coralife bailed out on the monster fixtures.
Here we go with another "put a gun in my mouth moment" with the live rock. The person I purchased it form failed to inform me that it is covered in aptasia. You know that stuff that "hides" even under the most intense inspection.
I'll tell ya, I have had 9 aquariums running at once in the past and never had issues like this with any of them. Hopefully things will smooth out soon because the money is going out fast, fast, fast!!! I have a 300 gallon tank and a 110 gallon refugium sitting with no pump and only power heads for circulation. And a 200 gallon container sitting with 80 more gallons of premix just turning with a power head.
I will be posting pics and info as soon as I am at a point of confidence. Hope all is going well for everyone else here. Seems like a constant full moon lately. But I am still optimistic. Oh and I just got a bunch of peppermint shrimps to attack the aptasia. If that fails, then I am going with a nice [FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Berghia nudibranch.
Sorry for the long drawn out rant, but it feels better to post with people that I am sure have had similar issues. Take care all.
Rob. :bounce:
Little sneak peak!


Holy crap, I'm so jealous! Your refugium is bigger then both my tanks put together!

What are the dimensions on your DT?
Hi Brian, the dt is 96"x30"x24". Stand, tank and canopy stand 6'9".
Piratefish, yes it is on a foundation, luckily.:D
The first refugium came out a little "off", so I had to build another one a little larger to fit the skimmer and 2 socks. The problem was that the fuge needed to hold water at 14" high, so I had to accomodate the skimmer sitting higher. Trying to weasel the socks around the skimmer was getting too difficult to pull off and stilll be able to remover the skimmer for cleaning. I am chipping away at the issues slowly though.
Wow, sounds like a rough couple of weeks, but i hope you get it all figured out!

And maybe you can save the aiptasia for a copper banded butterfly, ive always wanted one . . ..
I would consider a copper but I am still far from adding fish. I worry that a total invasion will occur before I can add that fish. The berghia may be the next step. When the aptasia is gone, I will give the berghia to someone else in need.
Another thing I noticed is that my actinics and violet pc's tent to give the display a hazy look. Not a good crisp hue. Any ideas on that one?
There are only 2 96 watt pc's on right now. I could see your reasoning though, as in a washed out look with too many lights. But not in my case right now.
Well, the mermaid died. Who knew mermaids didnt have gills! Thanks everyone, I am working hard to get this thing up and running, but most of it is at a standstill waiting on the pump. I just put 5 more peppermint shrimp in. That makes a total of 10 peppermints ignoring the aptasia.:frustrat:
That looks like where im headed fast, the aptasia ia growing fast. Btw, Colorado = best place on earth. I can't wait to move back to Monument.