Zoas closing, shrinking, and disappearing

Most wrasses will devour them (and will leave your shrimp alone, as long as you get a reef safe wrasse). There are lots of cool reef safe wrasses.
I thought about getting a six-line when I was at the store yesterday, but am a bit leery as I know they've caused problems for a lot of people. My main questions for the six-line are (1) will it bully my tail-spot blenny or my chromis (I don't want to add it if it will), (2) will it go after my cleaner shrimp, (3) how would it get along with a fairy wrasse if I added the fairy wrasse after the six-line?
Six lines usually start out fine when they're younger, but as they get older, they become more territorial and bully other fish. Personally, I stay away from them. Others a have had better experiences.
Well, for better or for worse, I bought a very tiny six line (with the intention of moving it to a 45g if it becomes problematic (the 45g is going to be a semi-aggressive tank and I had a six line on the stocking list). I also got the black cap basselet. And that's actually the one I'm more concerned about as he seems to have a bit of a fiery streak to him. I'm hoping he will settle down once acclimated in the tank. If not, then it will also go to the 45. I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those really bad experiments with a lot of "I told you so's".