xenia lighting

i got the pom pom xenia in 29 gallon 156 watt t5's

and in 125 gallon 450watt 14k de hqi metal halides/with 384 watts power compact 50/50 bulbs(10kdaylight/ blue actnic) 834watts combined
I've never fed my xenia (and I rarely feed any other of my other corals...every now and then just for fun :mrgreen:).

But, my xenia tend to go through cycles - it will grow like crazy, split a lot, and be fully extended for perhaps months. Then, over the course of about a week it will begin to "shrivel" and end up looking like little purple stumps of death. They will remain like this for up to three weeks or even a month, then return, full-bloom, within a week.

I haven't noticed any particular patterns with water quality (nitrates, pH, alkalinity, etc.), so I'm just accepting it as something that xenia do sometimes (kind of like leathers shedding every now and again). But, they all (right now I have two xenia, but I've had more in the past) do their little shrivel at the same time, and tend to make their comebacks within a day or so of each other. Weird-o if you ask me, but whatcha gonna do?
i just went to the LFS today and got a silver tip xeinia hopefully it will live. it was under normal florecints so i think it will live
I have heard that Xenia will sufficate itself from the slime coating if it grows to close. Has anyone else heard anything like this.
i have both pom pom and silver (red sea) in my frag tank under 150w HQI and both species are doing GREAT. i could not keep them before i tore my tank down to move though. xenia is a strange coral ... you can either keep it or you cant ... no in between.
i have towait till the light goes on.plus last time i had xenia i never put any thing in my tank but instant ocean salt and calcium. now i put oceantic salt,the marine trace and all the others plus planton