worm on my eyebar sifter goby


Reefing newb
I just noticed a brownish grey worm on my goby. It's somewhat flatish looking except where it's head is. It's wrapped around it's pectoral fin and I can see it pulsing. WTF is it? I will try to get a picture but not sure if I can. What should I do?
Eeew sounds like a parasite or a fluke! You should try doing a freshwater dip on the fish then following up with some PraziPro for treatment of any internal parasites. In any case, the fish should be quarantined and treated.
sorry im having trouble getting the pic to upload. I've never set up a quarentine tank for a sick fish before. should I put sand or anything in it or just leave it empty with the exception of water of course? and how long does it need to be in there for?
No sand, and no rock. But you should get a few pieces of PVC from the hardware store to give the fish somewhere to hide. I'm not sure how long it takes to dose PraziPro -- it will say on the package. I'm also not sure if freshwater dips are the only thing or most effective thing needed to rid a fish of external parasites. Hopefully someone else will chime in!
ok heres the pic. not the greatest but all i could get


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We actually use 2 different methods to remove external parasites at the LFS.
We'll give the fish about a minute in fresh water.But you'll have to use something to keep him moving while he's in the fresh water,if he stops moving,it'll kill him.
If that dont cause the parasite to drop off,we'll put the fish in a container with a one of those bag buddy tablets to kinda sedate the fish.Then we'll use twezzers to remove the parasite.But both of methods have their risks to the fish.
Our last ditch effort is the use of metronidazole.
Well I couldn't catch the fish without taking out the liverock but this morning the worm thing is gone and the fish seems ok for now. I'm wondering if it's possible it was some type of leach? I hope it doesn't have anything else inside it now though. Why would the fish die if it stopped moving?
Well I couldn't catch the fish without taking out the liverock but this morning the worm thing is gone and the fish seems ok for now. I'm wondering if it's possible it was some type of leach? I hope it doesn't have anything else inside it now though. Why would the fish die if it stopped moving?

It was probably what is a called a fluke.If I'm thinking right,they drop off the fish and lay their eggs in the sand.

I have no idea why the fish die if you let them stop moving while giving them a freah water dip.But they do.I'm guessing that it has something to do with their breathing.But that is just a guess.