When and where are the Frag Purchasing Support Group Meetings?

So I run to my tank to pull out the evil bubble and it had already popped. Is there anything I can do? I got what was left of the bubble and the slime off the rock. Evil hitchikers.

Yote I totally miss that, I think Biff might be right here. Picasso are you asking about the coral or the bubble?? If the bubble Biff is right, just lift the rock out and pop it, if you have some RO water handy a quick dip and rinse would help to keep the spores from re-entering the tank.
I was wondering what the bubble thing was, I knew the other thing was a coral but I don't know what kind. I did rinse the rock with RO before I put it back, but like I said, the thing had popped by the time I got back to my tank. I guess I get to deal with my first bubble algae outbreak.

I'm still missing it.Went back and looked twice and still dont see it.
Could be that its time for new glasses too:D
Here's a shot of JoJo,

I caught a pod checking him out!

Cant beat that with a hickory stick.:D I donate time at the store for credit.Thats how I got my current 75 and all the fish and corals.Got my 125 with store credit,plus all my test kits,salt,sand.

I pretty much do the same thing. I am best friends with the owner of the LFS, and I will take care of the store (on weekends) when he is out of town. He hooks me up with ORA SPS frags. 98% of my SPS are from ORA, and most of them came from watching the store.
Catherine your pics are great! I look forward to seeing some POTM entries as your tank matures. You should definitely do as advised and look into the emerald crab to control the bubble algae. I added two to my tank about 3 weeks ago and they have done a great job cleaning things up. They are my favorite addition to the reef so far! If you do pick up an emerald, don't be concerned when they dissappear. They will take a few days to get used to their new home - even longer if you have any aggressive fish, but after a few days you'll see them every day. They are cool to watch.