whats going on :(

no this isthe10 gallon thats over 6 months old.. ive had sps in there from before i should have, but theywere doing better before my tank was this mature. and i have 240gph flow[circulating the water 24 times an hour] and 178 watts of metal halide with supplemented actinic t5s. so the light and flow arent an issue.
Granular Ferric Oxide...got it...

I wasn't trying to point out that the chemical will raise the PH. I was stating stop putting shit in the tank. Clean the tank.

IMO if you set the tank up properly, keep the tank clean you don't need to put chemicals in it.

im not just madly adding shit to my tank... and GFO is a totally normal, safe, and beneficial filter media; even so i started running it like two months ago and it had only been helping my tank till now. and i do keep my tank clean thank you... i have since day one and i have always used RO water and name brand salt so im a little more on top of my shit than your giving me credit for. also if anyone expects to keep stony corals and actually expect growth, eventually your gunna have to "add chemicals" to make up for what they are pulling out of your limited water volume.
been runing them since the very end of august so not TOO old

Maybe a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Were the bulbs brand new when you started running them? Or did you by chance (like alot of us do/did) buy a used fixture from someone and start it on your tank.

I am actually really perplexed as to such sudden die off. I asked before, not sure if you answered (at least I didn't see it), but when you say they are dead in the morning, what do they look like? Color loss< tissue loss, bleached bone white?

Also, when did you first start to notice this? If you think back is there anything you added chemical or livestock wise just before?
the light fixture was brand new from aquatraders, the bulbs are stock however but they were new... by dead i mean either completely white with no skin or the skin is sliming up and falling off.. 5 corals have died this way in the last three days... so it began on monday or tuesday. and no i havent added anything new for at least a week before that which was some corals but definitely no additives or chemicals. i made a coral trade with a local reefer... maybe he had some bad water?

Maybe a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Were the bulbs brand new when you started running them? Or did you by chance (like alot of us do/did) buy a used fixture from someone and start it on your tank.

I am actually really perplexed as to such sudden die off. I asked before, not sure if you answered (at least I didn't see it), but when you say they are dead in the morning, what do they look like? Color loss< tissue loss, bleached bone white?

Also, when did you first start to notice this? If you think back is there anything you added chemical or livestock wise just before?
no i wasnt able to stay at my house last night... im taking the first test right after lights out and the second one in the morning right as the lights come on.
Did you dip the new corals before you added them to the tank? Maybe you introduced something like red bugs...though I doubt that would kill all those corals that fast, it's still a possibility.
i did not dip them :( and the guy who gave me one of my newest frags mentioned after the fact that he saw some red bugs in his tank and he would give me a dose of his meds when they got it.... could they be causing such a dramatic death though?
Red bugs wouldn't cause death so quickly.

I'm guessing it'd have to be some sort of parameter swing. Either alk, pH, salinity or temp. That's just my best guess.


Two things:

A series of smaller events, like a mild Ph swing, a mild temp swing and a brief phosphate spike can add up to one big SPS killing event. It happened to me.

Also, toxic heavy metals can build in a tank over time and there is no easy, cheap test kit to tell if you have them. Run quality carbon which will reduce heavy metals including copper.