What in the world are these??


Reefing newb
A month ago we moved and had to tear down our 75 gal tank and go to a 30 gal. Unfort with switching water we had an incident that I lost all my saltwater fish. My 2 turbo snails survived and then 1 other snail, 5 crabs. All of a sudden I started getting these things on the inside glass of my tank. I have NO idea where they would come from or what they are. Today I seen 3 of them floating around the tank but now have no idea where they landed or went into my filter (if in filter will they grow/survive). At the same time I started getting tiny white dots that move around and a tiny baby snail. All happened with a month and all together. Any help identifying these would be of great help. Thank You in advance!!!:):thumbsup:


  • 2014-10-13 08.56.17.jpg
    2014-10-13 08.56.17.jpg
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