Waging a war with hair algae...

Yote, my corals typically look really good. They are not growing as fast as I would like but they have good color and show no signs of decline. On the other hand, my hair algae was growing like crazy, and that requires phosphates, so your statement seems counter-intuitive. Not trying to be smart, but how can my corals look "good" which requires low levels of phosphates, and my hair algae grow fast which is a sign of higher levels of phosphates at the same time?

Its not just the corals I'm looking at.I'm always looking for little strands of algae,seeing how the coraline looks,stuff like that.
If I see coraline looking like its trying to fade out,then I know somethings up.
Its hard to explain.
I think I understand. I am spending a lot of time searching for the beginnings of hair algae. What do you do when you see your coraline bleaching? I have noticed that when I scrubbed my tank, some of my coraline on the rocks faded completely but some of the smaller spots on the glass were fine.
Its probably getting more light than it was since you removed the algae.
Coraline is a lot like corals.It can be shocked by light too.
So I'm guessing that when you scrubbed the algae off,it let the coraline get a lot more light then it is used too.
It'll eventually color back up.
Mine did the same thing when I scrubbed bryopsis off the rock.The coraline faded out quiet a bit.But regained the color after a few weeks.
Just keep your water quality up and run some GFO every once in a while,and it'll all come around.
Well we are going on two weeks now and it looks like I may have this stuff licked right now. All signs of hair have died off and whatever grew since the overhaul has died off as well. I had a lot of LR and LR rubble in my sump but as I was rearranging some things, I cracked the sump and had to replace it. when I removed all of my rock, I noticed a ton of crap in the bottom of my sump amongst the rubble and hidden beneath the rock. Since I removed all of it and went with a completely bare bottom sump, the last of the algae died off. I am hoping I am not declaring victory too early but the levels are great and everything looks good. Thanks to all for all of your help in this matter!
I want to throw an extra special shout out to zoot098 because without him I wouldn't be here today. Well I would be here (as in where I am) but not here as in on this site saying thank you to those who helped in getting me rid of this nuisance algae problem.

You see, way back around this time last year, my good buddy Steve (whom you all lovingly know as zoot098) started telling me all about this new hobby of his. That hobby was all things aquaria with a specialization in the realm of tropical saltwater. I also was interested in this hobby but more in the freshwater genre so my interest was peaked. From that point forward, Steve took me under his wing and showed me the ropes of this hobby. He started by giving me books to read, inviting me over to see his setup, introducing me to this site and all of you wonderful people, and departing his various bits of knowledge on me.

So I decided to get into this hobby and started looking for a nice size tank. And that was the last time I had money in my savings account. Guess who found a smokin deal on a 110 with 2 175w MH and a fluorescent fixture and all of the ballasts and wires? Steve. And who told me exactly how to build my stand step by step? Steve. And who told me how to convert my 30 gal freshwater tank into a sump with baffles and a bubble trap? Steve. And when I needed a protein skimmer and didn't have the money to buy one, who gave me one of theirs for nothing? Steve. And when I needed a hand scrubbing all my rock and getting all the hair algae out of my tank, who helped me with that? Steve. And who stayed after that and re-arranged my rockwork for me so I didn't have any dead spots? Steve. And who just GAVE me a 30 gallon sump baffles already installed when I broke my sump moving it? Steve.

Now I don't have time right now to address all of the other various things that Steve has done for me over the last year I have been into this hobby, but I am only scratching the surface. So for all of your help regarding the algae issues, and everything else, Thank you Steve aka zoot098.
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