To UV or not UV that is the question.

well it looks like i'm due for a cleaning. I'm not running the skimmer at the moment. anyhow, after looking at the picture I just realized there is a major downside to the backpack which I didn't remember til now. The water level is difficult to maintain because it's such a small chamber. You would need an auto top off. I keep a 5 gallon bucket under the stand for this. the pressure sensor is on the left. You probably don't want to do this and unless your house has 95% humidity otherwise you would probably need to add water ever day. This is too high maintainence. It might be ok if you have a glass cover over your tank. I keep mine open. I guess I at least helped you rule out the backpack.


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the filter and the big block of sponge totally need some cleaning. Don't clean both of them at the same time though. They have some beneficial bacteria living in them and you do need them.
Thanks Wes. I usually clean both at the same time. Where you from on LI? I'm from Seaford/Levittown area. Moved to Florida in 2004.
As long as you have enough LR, you can clean both of them at the same time. The LR can pick up the nitrification duty while the 2 filters are out.

I'm in Huntington Station. How are you enjoying Florida? You miss the snow? :D
I actually enjoy the snow. I travel a lot for work so I'm still exposed to it. I try to hit Tahoe for a weekend each year for some snowboarding. I must say though coming home to Florida no matter what time of year feels great!
Agreed, however Ill be honest before you are educated alot of the time you do cruel things to your animals without even realizing it.

As I have stated before I am into the "pit bull" breed and have been for about 5 years now. I wouldnt say I know EVERYTHING but certainly enough that I was chosen to help mod the forum. I cant tell you how many times Ive had to type the same damn scentance because another person thinks their "pit bull" needs friends at the dog part. No they dont its cruel. But they dont know until they learn it...and sometimes the hard way at that
My Pit Bull is named Pancake. :D
90 degrees, 80% humidity, scattered thunderstorms this is the worst time of the year. pretty much feels like your wearing a film of water when you walk outside.
I guess for me, I dont really want to get rid of a stand I love to get a bigger stand, the one I have now fits in my home very well and I like the look of it.
In any case I met someone today that is part of another forum and they have a HOB fuge with a skimmer incorporated. that would solve all my problems would it not??
Here is a pic from the front. That stand was $100 I think. It has a nice coating to prevent it from getting water logged. I'm not exactly sure why a sump is out of the question. You should be able to fit one in the bottom of this stand and put a child lock on the door.

Nice tank, got any close up shots???
WAIT WAIT I found a better picture.
His name ws Macho. I had him for 4 years. Best dog I ever had and I miss him every day. Ok Im done being the doting mom/nostalgia moment


These pictures make me cry :bye2:
I know the HOB fuge/skimmer you're talking about. Those are pretty cool. That may cut it. My LFS uses that device on a sea horse, pipefish, plants, etc tank.
There are a few ways you can add mediea, ill clear up what i wrote :)

You can get what are called reactors, Im fairly sure there are ones that will hang on the back of your tank and you can use those to run your media and adjust the flow as you see fit. Wont be very pretty though.

Another way is to just put the media into a filter sock and run it through a high flow area, it is better if it is slightly seperate from the system but it can still be run in the main system for things like phosphate removers. I wont say carbon, because im not sure.

I do have a sump though and hang the media in a bag below my sump flow from the main tank. Or even below my skimmer. My skimmer also has a section for media and it is a hang on back.

So there are a few ways it can be achieved.
My blue tangs had ich when I first got it few years ago. I got a 55W UV hooked up. Not too long later. Ich's gone. Amphipods' gone. And you would think the copepods who usually just hang out the tank wall would last. Nope, it's gone as well. Any trace of any type of algae also gone. Water was crystal clear. Actually, sterilize probably is a better term.

Had it hooked up for about 8 months, just to make sure any stage of the ich were gone, then I disconnected it. A years later, still not a trace of any type of pods. I had to buy some pods to re-seed the tank. Bought some LR to re-introduce some other live to the tank. Intentionally put some algae into the tank to make the water not as clear so that the filter feeders and pods have something to eat and reproduce.

Just want to give you a sense of what UV can do to a tank. Both good and bad.

Well 50W is alot!!! im thinking of just getting a 9W or 15W UV to help clear the water, & help with algae. & ill run the UV only at night.
Well I’m thinking of getting UV for my 110G tank with fish, I have 90lb of live rock, some soft corals & MegaFlow4 Sump/Refugim with pods, protein skimmer, & a NextReef reactor with media, Carbon & Phosphate, my thing is I want to have a crystal clear water, & I want it to help with controlling algae (I use tap water, I know it bad but I will get a RO/DI soon) I don’t want to kill all the good stuff so I was thinking just to run the UV at night so I will NOT run it 24/7

This is what I want to get 9W or the 13W: JBJ In-Tank Submariner UV Sterilizer/Clarifier
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