To UV or not UV that is the question.

But its not ok to put a tang of any size in a 28 gallon tank.

And we do put people in little cubes, its call jail. Ever watched lock up? People dont adjust, neither do your fish.
There are some things that its great to have conversations about on here, that is how the hobby grows. But putting a fish in a tank that is too small for them is not one of them. Its a matter of animal cruelty.
I want to plan for the future is I guess my point. At the rate I can currently get a UV filter would it be bad to have on hand just in case? Ill be honest if my fish were suffering from Ich and UV would rid the tank of that, I would use it.
But that is also because due to size limitations I am dealing with I do not have the space for a "hospital tank" I would love a hospital/quarantine tank but for now this is what I have to work with......
Would it be worth the buy or if I did have something like Ich would I be able to "treat" the whole tank?
There are some things that its great to have conversations about on here, that is how the hobby grows. But putting a fish in a tank that is too small for them is not one of them. Its a matter of animal cruelty.

Agreed, however Ill be honest before you are educated alot of the time you do cruel things to your animals without even realizing it.

As I have stated before I am into the "pit bull" breed and have been for about 5 years now. I wouldnt say I know EVERYTHING but certainly enough that I was chosen to help mod the forum. I cant tell you how many times Ive had to type the same damn scentance because another person thinks their "pit bull" needs friends at the dog part. No they dont its cruel. But they dont know until they learn it...and sometimes the hard way at that
Sure, it would be great to have on hand for an occasion like that. But most of us just let our fish fight off the ich on their own because they are getting it for small reasons. Usually its because a new fish has been added and once everyone had adjusted it goes away. We also keep our fish in low stress and high water quality systems and feed them high quality foods.

And my personal opinion is that when they do get it, they are better off if they fight it on their own. Their immune systems learn to recognize the parasite and learn how to fight it off, make them better prepared for the next stressful situation that my cause them to come down with ich.
I'm just having a tough time accepting it. I've seen so many small tangs even in nanos, therefore I can't bring myself to say "you are right."
Agreed, however Ill be honest before you are educated alot of the time you do cruel things to your animals without even realizing it.

As I have stated before I am into the "pit bull" breed and have been for about 5 years now. I wouldnt say I know EVERYTHING but certainly enough that I was chosen to help mod the forum. I cant tell you how many times Ive had to type the same damn scentance because another person thinks their "pit bull" needs friends at the dog part. No they dont its cruel. But they dont know until they learn it...and sometimes the hard way at that

I totally agree with you on this point, which is why we have all been pointing out that its not ok in any circumstance to put a tang in 28 gal tank. As you know, hundreds of people look at this site everyday, not just members. I dont want one person to look at this site, and see that and think its ok. Its part of my job as a mod to educate them that its not.
I'm just having a tough time accepting it. I've seen so many small tangs even in nanos, therefore I can't bring myself to say "you are right."

Then dont say anything at all. And dont tell people that its ok, because no one here will let that fly.

And how long are those tangs in those tank? How often do those people go out and buy another tang because they one they had died?
i'm not really sure what other people do, but what I've done in the past when I think a fish is getting too big is bring him to the LFS and trade him out or give him to a friend with a bigger tank. I apologize for making your job difficult in this thread. I will stop being a pain in the @ss now.
I guess my question becomes this.......
We ALL loose fish for some reason or another but isnt our hobby a bit hypocritical when were taking our pets from the Ocean? Are we ever sure were making our fish as happy as they were swimming in the ocean?
Im certainly not condoning putting a big fish in a small tank the thought just hit me I suppose and made me a little sad :(
We all lose fish for some reason or another, but (and I feel like I can't say this enough here) putting a fish in a tank that is too small and stressing it to death is not "losing" the fish. It is KILLING the fish. And that is not okay by any stretch of the imagination.
Well Cathic scolded me for taking a blenny on my last dive trip. After talking with the blenny he told me he was happy I put him in my tank because a spotted morey moved in next door and was eyeing him. Seriously though, he was living next to a morey.


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We all lose fish for some reason or another, but (and I feel like I can't say this enough here) putting a fish in a tank that is too small and stressing it to death is not "losing" the fish. It is KILLING the fish. And that is not okay by any stretch of the imagination.

very well said
We all lose fish for some reason or another, but (and I feel like I can't say this enough here) putting a fish in a tank that is too small and stressing it to death is not "losing" the fish. It is KILLING the fish. And that is not okay by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree, it just made me sad thinking about all the fish that loose their lives because we love to watch them :(
Seriously? Do you have a clue about this forum at all? You've been her for what? A week? If you don't like it here so much why do you remain?

Troll much?

Is there a particular reason you are following me around? If you dont have ANYTHING to add to the discussion other than your obvious disdain from me, dont say anything. If you want to hash something out then send me a PM because there is NO reason why you need to bring your condescension and attitude to a whole new thread. Either leave me alone or PM me. If the Mods didnt have a problem, then you shouldnt either.

Little fish is the one who said a great many people view this site and Ill be honest if anyone were to look at your last comment as a newcomer, they would NOT feel welcome. I wasnt talking to you, I was minding my OWN business in my OWN thread. If you know you dont like me then why even read a thread started by me?
It sounds like you a trolling, not me and Ill refuse to feed the troll anymore
Ok i vote we delete this thread

I vote we leave the thread alone and let the Mods delete any personal attacks that have no business being in the thread because Ill be honest, with the way LFS are pushing UV down your throat, maybe someone could find this thread helpful.

I am still on the fence about whether its a good idea or not because as I stated before the "troll" rant I have no room for a hospital/quarantine tank and I am genuinely curious whether or not having a UV, although prolonged use has proved harmful, could be of value for a short period of time. I would rather have everything in case of a mishap/illness than not and something die because of it ya know?