Thoughts on the emperor angel being reef safe..ish


Reefing newb
What are your opinions on the nipping of a emeoror angel I just think they are awesome looking fish and would love to have one I just don't know about the nipping that has been reported. I need to come up with some fish that will be reef compatible and will get along with my lionfish. I do have a frogspawn that I would be worried about, but would part with if I had to I just want to be able to have some corals or at least an anemone that will be able to flow around like that. Other corals in the tank now are a galaxia, yellow zoanthid rock, and purple mushroom rock. What would I be okay with?
What are your opinions on the nipping of a emeoror angel I just think they are awesome looking fish and would love to have one I just don't know about the nipping that has been reported. I need to come up with some fish that will be reef compatible and will get along with my lionfish. I do have a frogspawn that I would be worried about, but would part with if I had to I just want to be able to have some corals or at least an anemone that will be able to flow around like that. Other corals in the tank now are a galaxia, yellow zoanthid rock, and purple mushroom rock. What would I be okay with?

I have a Koran(its a love / hate relationship:lol:) and he has nipped at my hammer here and there causing it to retract ,but its been awhile ,and now its out and is doing fine...i had xenia which he mowed right thru and colt coral which he thought was a snack,and zoas,all gone,but,...i do have a lot of mushrooms and rics and a leather and some duncans,plus the hammer which he doesn't bother...i say go for it....Angels are centerpiece fish
When it comes to the large Angels.Its not a matter of IF they will go after your corals,its a matter of WHEN.