Thinking about an anemone...

To me,a 7 month old tank is borderline mature.Shoot,I really dont know how old a tank should be to consider it mature.Every tank is different.I doubt I would try a seba anemone at all.But I did jump the gun and add my BTA at around the 6 month mark.Even though its thriving,adding it so soon was still not a godd idea.

I like to feed my BTA a whole silver side,table shrimp,or piece of squid.I've even paid the 7 bucks for a damsel to feed it before.
The xenia aint gonna bother a seba anemone.Matter of fact,it'll be the other way around.The anemone will kill the xenia.
As for the gunk that the xenia released,It could be a problem since soft corals can produce chemicals to keep other corals out of its space.
Good luck getting that smell off your hands bud.Your gonna have even more fun with that.
All the xenia opened up and are pulsing around again, my room reeked and i had to take the garbage out of here even though that little chunk is the only thing in it. Yeah i figured it wouldnt bother the anemone, but it was attached to the rock the anemone was trying to get up so I figured id get rid of it so the anemone wouldnt have to. You feed your anemone live damsels? lol. My mantis wont even eat those things they are too feisty even for her to spear... Your anemone eats whole table shrimp? as in like the 2" long things you get at restaurants? that seems like a lot to me...
Oh yeah and another anemone question, are koralias anemone friendly? I cant see one getting sucked in and killed, the slots in it are pretty fine, and its a wide area of flow into the "fan" not just 1 tube like other power heads. My shrimp sits on mine day and night and hes never lost a whisker yet...
Yep,every now and then I'll my anemone a whole shrimp or live damsel.But my BTA takes up over a 1/4 of the tank when it opens up.The trick to feeding live damsels is to hold actually place it inside the anemones tenticels untill the anemone grabs it.
With the koralias,all it takes is for the anemone to get some tenticles close enough to get sucked in.The prop will cut them.And you'd be surprides at just how small a slot anemones can fit into.So even koralia aint anemone safe.
I was just reading some sebae articles while I was bored today, came across one that did a study on sebaes. He said not a single one that was white or yellow lived, as it meant they expelled their photosynthetic bacteria. I guess its possible for the bacteria to return but rare, and for that to happen it must be eating, which mine isnt! awesome news! I guess if they are mis treated when collected they expel their bacteria and also lose the function of their stinging cells (that they use to eat/move food to their mouth) Mine seems to be able to barely hold a silverside , but its not moving it anywhere, its just sitting there. Its also pretty scrunched up yet for its 2nd day I think...
Here is a pic, I'm not sure if this is what you refered to when you said its on its way out if its got a big hole where its mouth should be, but i'm thinking so. I couldnt see it before cause it was scrunched up.
So whats your guys take? pull it out, load it up and head back to the LFS with it and tell him to f$%K off give me my money back and get a nice brownish long tentacle anemone? or maybe that little bubble tip?
It's not eating food, and its got no way to manufacture food through photosynthesis. So I'm guessing its a goner for sure. I'm just trying to figure out how to get that retard at the LFS to believe me. He discredits all information from the internet, because apparently everyone out there just lies about information to kill stuff in your tank, and he is the ONLY source of information you can trust.
Here is where I got some info from about anemones:
The LFS guy sounds like a ignorant fool! Tell him to join the 21st Century and stop getting his info from books that were written 20 years ago. Things have changed since.
Anyone actually diagnose the problem here? I'm hoping capt. has something to say that will save me from a world of worry here. I put a silver side on it, it stayed there, but the anemone didn't react at all to it. Could it be its not hungry at all? Its too late now to get to the LFS today, I've gotta head to campus for my night class i have on Wednesdays.
I thought all seba anemones where yellow with bright colored tenticle tips.At least every one I've seen was.
Other than the mouth gapping,It looks pretty healthy.The tenticles arent sriveled up.
As for the LFS.He's probably not going to give your money back.You might get a 1/3 credit on it.
BTW.If its not hungry,its not going to eat.
I'll give it another day and see if it will eat something smaller, or at least respond to it tomorrow. I'm just hoping that xenia I killed didnt screw the anemone over, after reading it seems the sebaes are sensitive to chemicals released especially by carpet anemones (maybe the xenia too?). From reading it seems like if they are hungry or not they should respond to anything touching them by sticking too it, unless because it was handled the other day by the LFS guy so much its stinging cells are mostly depleted and it takes time to do it again?
I just noticed that the mouth is starting to tighten back up, probably half the size it was in the picture, hopefully its just stressed due to the commotion of moving to a new tank and its going to turn around.
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IME,sebae anemones have very weak nematocyst compared to carpets,condys and other anemones.I never touched one that actually stuck to my hand like the others.Keep trying to feed it and hopefully it will do well.
My friend has some dried krill, I personally don't have any and haven't used any yet, I might give him a call after class tonight and see if I can get a bit from him to try out. When I put the silver side on the anemone it did stay there, didn't float away, but it didn't move it to its mouth or anything, maybe it just wasn't hungry... Oh well time to head to class, thanks for the encouraging words I'll keep at it and hopefully it pulls through.
Over night I kept waking up to check on my anemone, it was looking better and better all night (maybe that's its problem, its a nocturnal anemone?!) It got bigger, and fuller, and more open all night, moved around a bit. I was getting excited, then when the lights came on in the morning it was all balled up, expelling waste, I assume. Now I come home between classes and it looks worse than ever...

Is it natural after they expel waste to look scrunched up and shriveled for a while?
It does look more yellowish or a darker yellow color every day I guess after looking at pictures, hopefully its coloring up building some photosynthetic bacteria... The foot is pure white, and the tentacles are yellowish. I think from my readings thats a good sign, that the food and tentacles are not the same color.
What kind of lighting was it under at the store?If their light has a lower PAR value than yours,then it may take the anemone awhile to acclimate to your light.
The lighting at the store was almost nothing, its like 36watts of crap florescent lighting or something. It looks even worse now, is there anything I can do?

I don't think it looks hungry... or like it would eat at all.