Ten gal.

If you'll take your your time and not get in a hurry,you'll have an awesome reef there.You got it looking good.
big news today when i got back from school i noticed that the tank is starting to grow some brown algea and yesterday i put a little red sea nano on for a little more movement also i put some sheet algea in also today my fuge is done :yeah post vid later
im back from a little vacation and when i came back the tank is covered in brown algea so i put the fuge on and all the filter pads in.when can i put snails in.also im still waitong for the azoo pump and i cant take pics because i left my 200$ vid cam in my pocket and she washed em by accident:cry:
today i noticed that the little ricorda died. i woke up and i dont see it anywher so im just giseing it died because of the cycle and the light:cry:
i found a preditor star tthats wht killed thats what killed the ricorda so i took it out and then killed it. also i was thinking about getting a clean up crew from etropics because everything is perfect except for calcium kinda low 340 ppm
1 mexican
3 turbos
a dwarf sea hare
but im not sure if they are compatible with pistol shrimp that im later gonna get
ileft for a three dy week end once before i could turn the filters on and its filled with caulpera and algea
what light should i get ,dont go by price

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sorry i dont know why it wont work

anyway which ones better

24" 65 watt light at aquatraders or a 24" 56 watt t5 on ebay