tap water reef tank!


Reefing newb
hello everyone, about a month and a half ago i purchased a 37 gallon reef tank. now in the tank i have a damsel, a reef chromis and a new 6 line wrasse. im trading my 10 nano tank to a friend for zoa frags and a blue spotted watchman goby, that i hope to pair with a pistol shrimp, and i want to add to clowns. i just want to share that i only use tap water for my tank, water changes and topping off. i just want to say try it in a new tank. i had my water tested and its great coming from our own well. its a money saver not having to get a ro filter and changing the cartriges.
Definitely rolling the dice. But I do it to and all of my levels are perfect. I know there is one other person here who uses well water for their tank.
i live out in the country and we have our own well, we have had the water tested and its perfect. why not use it if its good water?
I have used tap since day one...i don't have a full beautiful reef..but loaded with shrooms and rics and have kept lots of hardier stuff..ie. hammers,duncans(angel took em out).....
All tap is different ...mine tests at 30-40 TDS
I think if you run a scrubber you could have a great full reef ...
If its working just stay with it IMO
Like you guys have shown, it's really all in the area you live in. I had already tested my tap from a freshly made batch of saltwater wheN I first started, and I had 20ppm of nitrates, which is why my nitrates consistently stayed at over 120-140ppm. I switched to RODI, and worked best for me. I think most people live in areas where the water isn't so great. So if you're lucky enough to have good water, great.
I used non filtered water for the first few months on my 55g and then slowly i started to see diatoms and then had to switch to RO. I definitely recommend reg for the beginning but then after the first few months i would switch to some filtered water unless you get your water tested and find it to be clean. Congrats though if your levels are good i wish i could keep using mine =/
Our tap water is supposedly some of the best in NA, but with the copper piping in the house...

I used non filtered water for the first few months on my 55g and then slowly i started to see diatoms and then had to switch to RO. I definitely recommend reg for the beginning but then after the first few months i would switch to some filtered water unless you get your water tested and find it to be clean. Congrats though if your levels are good i wish i could keep using mine =/
I was under the impression that diatoms were something that happens when you have a new tank.
They are, but if you tap water has silicates (which they use to build their shells) they can continue to live in your tank. Normally they use up the silicates in the new sand and rocks, then they die off.
i have used tap.. I am also on a well, did in my seahorse and my old 55 for a few years before I switched over. never had an issue with it at all. my 45 that i am setting back up for the seahorses still is all tap.. Did so well before I really hate to change it.. kept the setup all the same while I just added a couple new things before I put the horses in again..
I think that every situation is different. If you're using tap water and aren't having any problems then great, stick with it. But if you are having continuous problems and you are doing everything correctly then you should prlly start using ro water.
When I set up my 75 I bought an RO/di filter. And I've gotta say. I've been using it for everything ever since, and I've mixed results with it. I have noticed my corals do not grow quite as fast though using the RO/di rather than my tap water. When my filters go out I think I'll sell the system and go back to my tap water
I cant possibly think of one thing the RO/DI unit would be doing to inhibit coral growth, unless you have corals that like water a little on the dirty side.