Tank leaks...


Reef enthusiast
My 30g QT leaks and needless to say, another flood...

Just saw a post on Craigslist for a 75g for $50. That's kinda big for a QT, but I got it anyway. :D

Might as well! One thing I've learned is that it's always handy to have an extra tank or two sitting around. You never know when you're going to have an emergency -- someone gets sick, something springs a leak.
yea, and Ted and i are looking through some of the same listings, so he and i are comppeting for the same limited resources...
Now that I may go for the 120g with stand for $200, I'll have to let go of this 75g. Another good deal going on our local Craigslist soon. :D
wait a minute. I thought the 75 gal was a q-tank now your gonna have a 120 q-tank:grumble: Dang pretty sad when everyone elses q-tanks are bigger then my biggest dt. :frustrat:
lol. Yea, I really like the bow front of my 72g and it fit perfectly fine near my house main entrance. The 75g or the future 120g has to go downstairs.