First NEVER use a ball valve to restrict flow on the overflow side. Debris/algae will get caught in it and cause a flood. It's only a matter of time. That said, you are fine to go ahead with the 1.5" since you have already purchased it. It is more than you need, but that won't hurt. The flow through the sump will be dictated entirely by the amount of water your return pump is moving, so even though your overflows can handle 2100gph, they will still only move 1500gph because that's all that your pump will actually be moving. I installed all 3 overfllows on mine because I've had enough floods in the past that it is worth it to me to have the extra security of having 2 fail safes. There is nothing forcing you to have 3, in fact with 1.5" pipe you could just do one, but if it ever gets plugged, you will regret not having the additional overflows.