super new. would like any advive for new tank

Re: super new. would like any advice for new tank

so i just set up and filled my tank and it looks like a cloud of sand. i hope thats normal. i set up 50 of dry rock first then 60 pounds of mixed live and regular sand. as of now im just running 2 powerheads and a heater. when should this all clear up? what should i expect over the next few days? i ordered a cpr2 hob skimmer that i will set up friday but i dont think it would have helped now anyway. thoughts...

65 gallon tank first timer
Yep, that is normal. You can wait it out or run a little filter to help pull out some of the dust. Should take any where for a few days to a week to clear up
I'd leave them on as they will keep the water oxygenated. Give it a few days to clear up, and then you should be ready to start your cycle. You will want to add in at least 1 piece of live rock to get the cycle started. The live sand might have some bacteria still in it, but often its already pretty dead when it gets to you. The live rock will have a population of nitrifying bacteria, and when you add a piece of raw shrimp to the tank to start the cycle then the bacteria will reproduce. Once there is enough bacteria to process the ammonia and nitrites, you will see those two levels peak and then drop to 0. If you don't add a piece of live rock in at the start of your cycle, then there is no bacteria in there to start growing!
I'd leave them on as they will keep the water oxygenated. Give it a few days to clear up, and then you should be ready to start your cycle. You will want to add in at least 1 piece of live rock to get the cycle started. The live sand might have some bacteria still in it, but often its already pretty dead when it gets to you. The live rock will have a population of nitrifying bacteria, and when you add a piece of raw shrimp to the tank to start the cycle then the bacteria will reproduce. Once there is enough bacteria to process the ammonia and nitrites, you will see those two levels peak and then drop to 0. If you don't add a piece of live rock in at the start of your cycle, then there is no bacteria in there to start growing!
with the small piece of live rock can i just put it in as soon as i get it? i did add some quick start as well lastnight
with the small piece of live rock can i just put it in as soon as i get it? i did add some quick start as well lastnight

I haven't ever heard of Quick Start being used effectively for a saltwater tank (fresh, yes).

Sadly, it probably didn't help you much.
I was having a problem with getting my tank to cycle. even after adding 2 table shrimp and waiting months I couldn't get my cycle to start. my LFS finally talked me into quick start because I was running out of options and my cycle started and finished in about 2 weeks. Keep in mind that was with live sand, live rock, and hopes and dreams... but I would definitely recommend quick start.
Did you add any live rock, or just dry? Was the shrimp that you added cooked or raw? What type of ammonia test are you using?

The shrimp was raw. I used 50 pounds of dry rock and. 2 rocks live about 6 pounds. The sand was half live. And I added 5 gallons of saltwater mix with bacteria when I filled up. The kit is the npi test