Something Strange


Reefing newb
I have these little guys growing on one of my rocks. They look kind of like aiptasia, but they are in tubes. Sorry the picture is not clear I took it with my phone. They are not growing anywhere else, but this rock.


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they might be colonial hydroids, in which case I would remove that rock. They are some of the worst pests you can get. However, i cant see too well what is in the pic and it might be something else.
I second colonial hydroids also. I actually got rid of a colony of green zoas that was infested with these buggers. I tried kalk paste, super glue gel, burning them off, you name it, and they just kept coming back. I fragged my zoas the best I could then got rid of the rest of the rock.
I generally use the freezer to kill off any pests like aiptasia...I will try to see if it will work on these guys...
The rock right now is hanging out in the freezer...I do it that way just in case there are little buggies living in the rocks to die quickly and not have to suffer
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