Someone help me ID this new SPS

snugglebug, I am just feeling warm and tender right now, I will switch to man gear later!

How does a thread about acros get turned into mushy sh!t?
Doc,Just dont let them damn thing touch your softies and LPS,keep calcium and alkalinity up and feed the f&%ker plenty of light and it'll grow like a star high school quarterbacks tool at a sunday social for girls.:beerchug:
sweet. that is my plan. I am off to find a sunday school quarterback's girlfriend...or that

How does a thread about acros get turned into mushy sh!t?
Doc,Just dont let them damn thing touch your softies and LPS,keep calcium and alkalinity up and feed the f&%ker plenty of light and it'll grow like a star high school quarterbacks tool at a sunday social for girls.:beerchug:

Nice quote yote! you are the man!
Now, about dosing my tank. I have heard that I am not supposed to dose more than once a week, cuz it is too stressful for something-or-other in my tank. Is there any truth to that? I was planning on dosing every other day, if needed. I dosed Friday and I was going to do it today if my SPS have used up too much. I cannot imagine that 3 SPS corals have used up so much calcium in four days that I need to dose again, but if I am under 500, you better believe I want to. What do you guys think?

I have around 20 SPS in my tank and have not had to dose yet. Seems the salt and Purple Up, and I guess the sheer volume of water is keeping my calcium levels just fine.
I had 4-5 sps corals and there wasn't any additional calcium consumption that regular water changes didn't take care of.
K. I am looking to add one more nice SPS piece (do they make blue or red ones?) and maybe 2 more LPS (I really want a lobophyllia) and I will be done with corals for this tank. I hope that will keep the calcium balanced. I did dose last night cuz I was about 420. My alk was down to about 8.2 - not OK with me at ALL.

yeah...soooo. should I dump all my softies? I have about 100 mushrooms all over the rocks, not to mention rics and nepthias. he!!. What do you think? I do run carbon all the time, but now Reef is telling me that causes problems. :pooh: now what to do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

i keep mushrooms and zoanthids in with my SPS corals. i am weeding out my leathers though (if anyone wants them CHEAP send me a PM). i would only thing about getting rid of the leathers or other softies that are known to generate the allelapothy (chemical warfare). HTH
K. I am looking to add one more nice SPS piece (do they make blue or red ones?) and maybe 2 more LPS (I really want a lobophyllia) and I will be done with corals for this tank. I hope that will keep the calcium balanced. I did dose last night cuz I was about 420. My alk was down to about 8.2 - not OK with me at ALL.


There are many blue acros,not any red ones that I know though.Look at Liveaquaria's Divers Den for examples.

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I dont dose calcium at all,just buffer once a week to keep my alkalinity up and I have 10 different SPS corals in my 75.
Did start dripping kalk last night for phosphate control.

BTW Doc.
Dont worry about your calcium untill it drops below 400.
I have heard that keeping cal higher than 450 maximizes SPS growth. Any truth to that?

Probably. But I doubt there's a noticeable difference between having your calcium say, at 420 rather than 460. SPS usually grow so slow anyways, it's not like you're going to notice a difference in growth at such small calcium level differences.