Smitty's Reef

Ok, I'm done for now.
I ordered a jbj auto top off controller, and some seachem fusion 2 part online the other night, and some new test kits and a new digital thermometer, and everything should be here in a day or two. I can't wait. :)
Oh, and I added about 15lbs more of sand to my tank, to beef up the sand bed. It was only about an inch at first, but I didn't really like it that low, so now it's about 3-4 inches deep. It looks more better and natural to me now.
Dang it, I forgot to mention that I picked up a battery powered air pump also, since my power had gone out twice last week due to the extreme heat. Ok, now I'm done....for now. Hahaha
Best way to avoid sand storm while adding substrate is PVC and a funnel Washburn. Even tho when I did mine I just used a cup and turned off the power heads I had a lil cloudiness but it's as to be expected.
Looks better and better every time I see it Smitty. Damn nice work my friend. How did you go about adding the sand? Any special technique to minimize sandstorm?

Thanks bro...nothing special. I started out pouring the sand in thru a siphon hose tube, and then resorted to just pouring the sand directly in. I rinsed the hell out of it, so my water was only partly cloudy for about 10 mins.