Smitty's Reef

Hey Smitty, that sucks about your Bryopsis (sp?) I did read that royal Urchins aka collectors urchins are great for ridding your tank of it. Just a thought. Though they eat all algae and tend to knock stuff over sometimes. May be a last resort type thing. Don't lawnmower blennies also eat hair algae? Or the pacific or atlantic lettuce sea slug? Again just throwing ideas around. Not sure if you want to add one thing to get rid of another.
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Yeah, I've been looking for a lettuce sea slug, but they're hard to find kinda...and I'll pass on the urchin, due to the fact they knock everything over and are destructive. Not many fish and inverts eat bryopsis, which makes it harder to get rid of...Thanks for the ideas bro. :)
If you ever find a solution LMK. Not to sure anything works on that stuff. Ive read a few ppl breaking down and rebuilding because of it. Do you have a picture of it? or did i miss it?
No problem's a pic of the algae.

Not good. I wish i could help you out. Just keep trying you never know. Both the nudi and urchins should be an option even if the urchins are a pain if they got rid of that algae you'd be a lucky guy.
I'll try one(urchin) if I have to...but my next step is gonna be raising the mag to eliminate it. I'll probably pick some "kent m" up along with a test kit later today, or tomorrow.