sick anemone


Reefing newb
Anemone has gone from opening up to over a 12"x12" space to this. I has always been "rooted" under the rock. After not seeing much activity for a week, i flipped the rock over and saw this last night. This morning it had moved about 3" to get below the rock again.

Clowns are all over it trying to swim in it like old times.

I thought it was dead already, but it actually responded to some mysis I fed it last night and then when it moved overnight i figured it still had some life left in it.

It is a lost cause trying to get it healthy?

All water parameters are normal and nothing has been added to the tank in the past 3 months.


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It does look down and out. I wouldn't remove it until it falls off the rock personally. Blast it with a turkey baster and see if it falls. Water, lights and bacteria infection are your causes, need more info on lights and water to assist you.
I don't have the parems near me, but the lighting is 2 AI Sol Blue's in a 90g tank. They are on the AI timer with a 12 hour day - peaking at around 80%. Not coming off with fan blowing on it.

There is another anemone in the tank on the other side that is flourishing.
Oh man that anemone is in bad shape. It kind of looks like a mag? I am some what in agreement with Mario. If you have a QT I would get it in there and treat with Cipro or Septra. Bacteria infections used to be a death sentence but the past few years antibiotic treatments have proven to be very effective.
Oh man that anemone is in bad shape. It kind of looks like a mag? I am some what in agreement with Mario. If you have a QT I would get it in there and treat with Cipro or Septra. Bacteria infections used to be a death sentence but the past few years antibiotic treatments have proven to be very effective.

Just out of curiosity, do you know the dosage required for Cipro?
Cipro is 250mg added during night time cycle. Daily water changes then redose during night time cycle. A general rule is doing this for at least 7 days.

Thanks! I was just curious, as we use Cipro on dogs for various infections...thought it was interesting that common veterinary antibiotics can also be used on anemones.
250mg in what volume of water?
Thanks that is a very relevant piece of information I left out 250mg/10g of water.

I use a 20g HT with a heater, a power head and a piece of egg crate to keep the anemone off both. I also put a coffee mug in the tank to give it something to attach too. A good light is also needed during the treatment process. That's why you need to add the antibiotics during the lights out cycle since the light will breakdown the antibiotics.