thanks, we found a 55gl here that a guy is willing to give me a really good deal on that my parents might buy me for now so that i can at least start the water and cycling everything....
and then my cousin will have to remburse me for all the costs... I talked to an officer today and they said that if she was willing to pay the damage costs to the carpet (this is a brand new house too Dx), pay for my class/book she ruined, and the $1200 that was invested into the tank then there wouldn't be a huge charge against her, more against her parents and that they would have some sort of fine to pay as well. Plus she will have stealing on her file, even if shes a minor at least they are going to make her do that!! He was nice, apparently his sister-in-law is a biology major and he was talking to her about it and she told him to fix my problem for me BEFORE christmas :) so he had me add up the costs of my class, book, and everything that was in the tank and it totaled around $1700. $280 for the class, $128 for the book, and then the rest was the tank, equipment, and all the fish/corals in it. I still added everything that i could save into the price becuase i dont know how much longer/if they are going to last. and that way I can buy kona some big fatty crablegs when he feels better! thats the least the poor guy can get
that little bit of news has made me feel a smidge better, Kona is still down in the dumps but i'm just happy hes eating a bit for me, 1 silverside is nothing for him, but at least hes trying... i'm scared to leave him for the weekend.. but i know hes in good hands with my siblings, they have grown to love the lil dude too