Sharkies Reef

all the corals are doing well now :) and i decided to go ahead and name the mandrin Scooter since he scoots around... the eels have been moved back to their now non leaking tank and we sadly had a murder last night of my poor Daisy (female clown.) Duke is looking pretty lonely... thinking of going and getting a baby clown for him
when you say murder, you mean by the eel right? I doubt a baby clown is going to last long with eels and another clown...
I dread the thought, but I think it's more likely that it's been a mantis all along and the jellies were just a distraction. Keep a close eye on that tank and let us know what you find. I'm praying for some good luck to come your way!
yea, thast what i fear, altho i haven't heard any clicking at all... or had anyone else go missing...

:grumble: why did it have to be my clown?!
Sharkie,There is a type of mantis that dont make that clicking.It uses a spear and buries itself in the sand untill a fish swims close enough for it to strike.
Sorry about Daisy.
arg that is not what i wanted to hear... that would probably be my luck...

BUUUUT I'm in a very good mood today :) I spent all of last night aquascaping some with some new corals i picked up while getting my new clowns :)


duke and the baby :) hes already swimming around with him :)





everythings doing great! :D i think i have been hooked on corals... oops ;D
haha that they are :) i've already been looking for others that i'd like to get... can you believe all of those were considered "Frags"? they are WAY bigger than most of the frags our other LFS have and they are way better
a lot of people sell small frags so that they can make more money for them. you can buy a coral for 50 bucks let it grow for a bit and break off 1 large peice and sell it for 30 or 40 bucks or you can get 3 or 4 smaller peices and and sell them for the same or a little less.
hey everyone!!
I haven't posted many pictures recently because of work but I just picked up some new corals and a cleaner shrimp last night! :) nothing too fancy, just another torch, hammer, and leather...

today marks the date of my first long trip away from the tank... i'm off to san diego for 4 days... pray my sibling who has been learning all this fun stuff will not kill anything when i get home!
I'm home!! had a great time up in san diego with some of my friends and man :)


The waves were nice and low so me and Michelle (girl in the wheelchair) could easily sit in the waves and let em roll on by :) not too cold either! Coronado's always been a favorite beach among the family so we all had to go and chill there!!

anyways, enough about that lol... Came home to find my tank looking a little murky and ran my tests to see just how well everyone else THINKS they know what their doing... my mom was like "oh great you're going ot grade us arent you?"

these were the levels:
Calcium 520, Phosphates 1.0,Ammonia 0.5, Nitrate >20, & Nitrite >3.0, Salinty 1.025, temp 78.
Not toooo bad... a few things are a little high but we had a few causalties so i'm assuming thats the cause... I think the calcium is a little high as well but since they were following instructions i don't think they did all that bad.

And here are some pics of the new additions!!



new torch


A new hammer :) it has 3 tiny heads on it


the new leather, apparently it isn't quite happy yet... we've been moving it around ot find it a spot


and this is the georgous clams/mussles that caught my eye as soon as i walked in. this is one of the ones that died (go figer its one of the big ones) but their shell is a marvelous shade of green and blue under the water...


not so pretty outta the water.

anyways thats all i've got for now! :) not toooo many yet but i'm getting there slowly!
i'm supposed to be getting another shrimp any day now and thats all for a while