Setting up for fish only

I would just skip the Emperor. Those types of filters tend to lead to high nitrates. Which is fine in a fish-only system -- fish can tolerate nitrates, inverts cannot. If you are considering doing a reef setup down the road, then I'd advise you to get the right equipment from the start. A protein skimmer and live rock will be all you need for filtration. If you do get the Emperor, all the cartridges and filter pads will need to be cleaned regularly, about once a week. If this sounds like too much work and hassle, then go with a protein skimmer. They require very little maintenance. I clean mine about once a year.

What is the acceptable range of nitrates for fish and inverts?
For sensitive inverts like anemones and SPS corals, you want your nitrates to be at 0. For most other corals and other inverts like starfish, crabs, snails and shrimp, you want them to be below 20. Fish can tolerate nitrates in the hundreds.
Alright, so I just got back from the pet store to see about my filtration options. They have the big emperor bio-wheels for like 80 bucks or so. I have been reading up on protein skimmers, and am trying to understand how they function, ect. The pet store has a few, mostly high end ones for large tanks. They have one that is smaller, its an instant ocean one. I read up on it here and it appears to be no good. I would like to stick with a HOB one, and it seems like the octopus ones get good reviews here. I dont have a ton of coin to spend on this tank, and the BH-100 looks good at just over 100 bucks. Would this be a good unit to use on my tank?
Well I just ordered the BH-100F. I couldnt find any bad reviews of it, and the internal pump is nice instead of the one in the tank like on the 100. It also seems to take in water from the surface which Ive read on here is better. My tank will be on on Wednesday, but Ill be in the Bahamas thursday through monday, so hopefully Ill be ready to set this thing up next Tuesday. Im sure I will have PLENTY more questions and I really appreciate everyones help so far. Someday I hope to have a tank worth enough to display in the showcase section:D
Sorry I didn't get to this sooner -- you made the right decision to skip the Emperor and go with a skimmer. It will be much better for your tank!

The #1 reason why they function better than a filter is that the filter uses pads (or media) to trap crap. That crap stays in the pads until you pull out the pads and clean them. In the meantime, the water is still flowing through the pads -- washing some of the crap back out into your tank, and the crap in the pads is slowly rotting away and polluting your water. So, if you clean these pads regularly, it's not a big deal. But regularly means once or twice a week -- and most people don't do that.

The skimmer removes the pollutants from the system completely, and holds them in a cup that you empty out into the sink or toilet. No chance of that stuff getting washed back in your tank, or sitting and slowly rotting, polluting your water. It's pulled out of the system altogether.

Hope that helps!
Thanks Biff, it seemed like the thing to do after researching on here for a bit. I'm assuming that a simmer would remove particulates and things from the water as well as waste right?