Server Crash


Reefing newb
We are back up and running. I want to apologize to everyone. The main server crashed and I have been on vacation when it happened. I have had to rebuild and get everything up and running from remote. I have 3 days of vacation left so I am going to go relax. Please let me know if anything doesn't work.

but thanks for getting it back up and running. i thought the whole site just went down for good and i was kinda sad. but now im glad that its running, thanks again :mrgreen:
yeah, i was getting worried to. for the last three days i would come and check every so often. i was starting to have withdrawel symtoms. i was afraid the site was gone for good. or i was banned for some strange reason. whew!
Thanks for getting everything up and running. Along with everyone else, I was getting worried that the site was gone forever.

I missed you guys, and glad to be back.

I had to resort to reefcentral to get my saltwater forum fix, haha. Reefcentral is a great forum but a little to big for my liking. It feels more like home at livingreefs.
I cannot seem to access the photo gallery. I am anxious to post new pics, but I each time I hit the link, the page comes up as a warning with lines of script that do not make sense to me. any ideas?

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Wait until Chris gets back from his vacation and fixes it :D

You can always upload your pics to Photobucket and then paste them into your thread.
i'm glad site is working again, i learned everything about saltwater hobby here as far as testing water, what equipment to buy(brand names), things to know like feeding times, light cycles. Don't get this kind of info or help on reef central.
Thanks All For Your Patients While Our Photo Gallery Is Down. The Administrator Will Be Working On Getting It Back Up. Give Us A Couple More Weeks To Resolve The Problem. Again Thanks For Your Patients. If Anyone Notices Any Additional Problems Let Us Know Right A Way So It Can Be Addressed.
Photo Gallery uploads are now working....
