September POTM Entries

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tough to say, he is estimated to be about 9-10 years old and they can grow up to 24 inches in the wild..... but in captivity i would expect tops another 4 inches or so. and that will probably come over some long period of time. the fish has a lifespan of up to 40-45 years. I know within a few years i NEED my bigger tank. If he gets too much bigger he wont fit in my 180 and I dont want a small living arrangment to lessen his lifespan either.
Question - Can I re-enter my pic from last month? It was a hard pic to take and I've been way too busy this month to take pictures.

If not, I'll see what i'll come up with but I doubt i will have the time.
here is mine

That is a cool shot, Daugherty. What type of camera did you use to get so close?

Race's pic looks real nice too. I like the bi-color.
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