Scrubber Explosion!!


Reefing newb
Ok, Remeber my last thread where I was asking for some advice on getting my scrubber to start more growth... Well I made a few minor changes but finally recieved the new 18" T5 HO 6700 bulbs I was talking about getting. Also I finally got my proper lighting setup on the tank its 4 48" T5 HO bulbs 216 watt total. Well I got everythinfg installed and OH... My... Goodness... Pictures say everything...

These are some pics of my tank and scrubber friday evening before any new lighting was installed, Showing next to Zero growth after 3 weeks with scrubber running.



Now here are some pics from Sunday Night after New lights had been on ONLY 48 HOURS LATER!!!




Thanks, Im sure yours will too! Do keep in mind that most people recomend 3000k bulbs (which is what I started out using) but Im seeing serious growth with a 6700k bulb.

The one thing I just dont understand is... Why if my scrubber is working THIS well do I have Algae Growning ALL over my Tank??!! :dunno:
That looks like Diatoms from being a new tank.... just using up extra nutrients and silicates in the water... get some CUC and it will clear up soon :)
The change in bulbs may have helped but, I think more than likely it just took that long for your screen to get seeded and growing. I didn't see a lot of growth on my screen either till this week (This was the end of my 4th week). As far as why you're still seeing the algae in your tank ... that's because the algae in your tank is already established and has a foothold. It will starve away eventually on it's own.
The change in bulbs may have helped but, I think more than likely it just took that long for your screen to get seeded and growing. I didn't see a lot of growth on my screen either till this week (This was the end of my 4th week). As far as why you're still seeing the algae in your tank ... that's because the algae in your tank is already established and has a foothold. It will starve away eventually on it's own.

Only thing is that there was no progression of growth over 3 weeks. It didn't exsit and then suddenly and rapidly showed up overnight after bulbs were added. Same can be said for growth in the tank, nothing had been established as I haven't had even a bit of it in 8 weeks since the tanks been up, then boom overnight...

All the same, I appreciate all feedback and comments!
FWIW I get much better growth with bulbs that are 5000k too...2700-3000k just doesn't work for me.