Do not scrape your glass. The nutrients in the algae your scraping off are just going straight back into the water system to be utilized by new algae growth. Use a algae pad. Reach in and wipe from bottom to top and remove from tank and rinse. Repeat over and over again. You must export the nutrients or they must be converted into another form such as fish flesh or coral growth. Phosphate can be dissipated by using Kalkwasser water as your make up water. It would be best to get a DIO filter cartridge as an add on to your RO filter. This will get your total dissolved solids down to around 0.01, yes 99.9 % free of total dissolved solids. The quickest way you can get rid of the problem is using as near perfect water as possible with many frequent water changes (not sevearl large water changes), and using Kalkwasser for makeup water for evaporation. I would go with a 5 percent water change every two or three days until you get it cleared up, but remember if you are importing silicates (for brown algae), phosphates and nitrates in your water and through over feeding you will not be able to get rid of the problem no matter how often or how big the water changes. Once you do get the problem under control and figure out where the problem came from you will either need to make permanent adjustments or consider something like a refugium with macro algae for nutrient export. The only thing your algae scraper should be used for is removing coraline algae from your front glass. And if you continue to have algae problems do not buy a magnet algae scrubber. Remove algae from tank by doing single wipes with a scrub pad (and external rinses in water). Do not scrape or scrub algae back into tank. Also, there is a huge difference between PhosGuard and Phosban. PhosGuard is aluminum based and Phosban is ferric oxide. Ferric Oxide does not leach phosphates back into water when full. PhosGuard does. Ferric oxide is widely accepted as a vast improvement over the old phosphate absorbing materials. Yes it is more expensive, but it twice as effective, longer acting and safer. Phosphate removers should be considered only for emergency and spot usage, not every day use items. Continual use is just poor husbandry.