Salfin Desjardini


Reefing newb
i am upgrading to a 240 gallon (8x2x2) and i want to plan out which fish i will be getting
i found this picture of a salfin desjardini and i was wondering if they are all this nice or if its a rarer more vibrant morph

I've only seen 1 smaller one in person once and it looked like this
The top picture is not typical. I suspect that picture may be photoshopped a bit. ;) They are usually a lot more brown/white/yellow.
this guy on youtube has one identical and i dont think you can photoshop a video
[ame=]Sailfin Tang, Desjardini (Zebrasoma desjardini) - YouTube[/ame]
There 2 types of sailfins that look almost identical as juvies. As adults the pacific sailfin (Zebrasoma Veliferum) is not as pretty and keeps the more bland colors. But the Red Sea sailfin (Zebrasoma Desjardini) colors up a lot, develops spots and is much prettier (like the top picture).
You can use Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro & Pinnacle Pro to "Photoshop" a video. Video editing has come a long way. IME, a varied diet with added vitamin supplements bring out the most vibrant colors in the fish that have them.
this guy on youtube has one identical and i dont think you can photoshop a video

Okay? Then why are you asking if they come in that color if you know they already do? All I said that coloration is not typical or common. If you want a blue one, then wait until you find a blue one for sale and buy it. The lighting of the tank will make a big difference too, fish can look different under different lighting. Like I said, blue desjardinis are not the norm.
I don't think that one in the video is actually blue. I think the video was shot under actinic lighting. If you look at the corals and rocks, all have a blue/purple tinge as they would under actinic lighting.