Right on cue.....


I failed Kobayashi Maru
Just as I was happily explaining in PRC's feeding thread that my 3 chromis are doing great, and not much aggression towards each other, I checked my tank today, and guess what....2 chromis left :frustrat: It's a conspiracy...I think PRC snuck in and stole one, prior to asking me about the chromis LOL

Well, I'm not as upset as I would normally be, because of everyone's similar experiences, so I didn't get overly attached to them. I think I know which one was the bully, too. I was down there and saw him butting the other one over and over. SO add me to the list of "not having good luck w/ a school of chromis" :)
Dang, D....20???? Yeah, you guys all prepared me for the possibility, so it really wasn't a shock...not even really disappointed. But I'm not going to get more...I'll let the last 2 duke it out if that's what it comes down to. I'm ready for my next fish LOL
Hey anyone wann see my new Chromis? Got it real cheap.:D

Sorry Wonton, that's a shame. Hopefully the other two will hang in there.
Hey anyone wann see my new Chromis? Got it real cheap.:D

Sorry Wonton, that's a shame. Hopefully the other two will hang in there.

Dammit PRC! Quit selling my chromis! :grumble: Did you also sell my other clownfish, too? I lost him sometime last year, too :question:

Dammit PRC! Quit selling my chromis! :grumble: Did you also sell my other clownfish, too? I lost him sometime last year, too :question:


I may have seen him...Is he orange with white and black stripes? If it makes you feel better I just posted some pics on my build thread that you can check out..(Now that's how you hi jack a thread):bounce:
Captive Care - Keep in groups of odd numbers 5+, single specimens tend to be harrased by tankmates and do not fare as well as a small or large group, Aggression of the dominant specimen will be subdued in a group rather than just a couple specimens, Chromis tend to occupy the upper open water of a captive system and this is a plus for more recluse tankmates, in order to maintain the vibrant coloration offer enriched foods . Will readily acclimate to captivity, keep with less aggressive tankmates, provide adequate swimming space, and feed a varied enriched diet. (Lacks the black at the inner base of the pectoral fins as does the Blackaxll chromis)
lol!!! I'll say!

I may have seen him...Is he orange with white and black stripes? If it makes you feel better I just posted some pics on my build thread that you can check out..(Now that's how you hi jack a thread):bounce:

Ok, see, now that's just WRONG! I mean, can't you at least hold it for ransom?
Hate to hear that Wonton.
But if it makes you feel better,I'm down to 2 chromis from 5 in just the past couple of weeks.

Yeah,I'd say their bio's are off just a weeeee BIT.:D
Hate to hear that Wonton.
But if it makes you feel better,I'm down to 2 chromis from 5 in just the past couple of weeks.

Yeah,I'd say their bio's are off just a weeeee BIT.:D

Hehehe...yeah, thanks to all of you guys I wasn't boohoohooing about the loss. I was more prepared. Still, if I can get one to survive, I'll be happy because they are very pretty.
OK.....I'm SUPER SUPER SUPER freaked!!!! In an AWESOME way!

I got an orange spot goby (I'll post in another thread)....I have been acclimating fish in my sump.....

I was setting up the airline tubing for the drip acclimation...and what do I find in my 20g intake portion of the sump???? THE MISSING CHROMIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, 3 weeks of him MIA! I originally thought he might have gotten into the overflow somehow (I installed an eggcrate lid a week or so before I got the chromis, and the way it's put on the top of the tank, it's flush against the top rim of the overflow baffle. There is a small 1/8" gap in a couple of places where the return nozzles enter the tank).

Anyway, I had checked the overflow when I found a missing chromis, and nothing. Checked the intake part of the sump (which is a 20g, which spills by way of a predrilled pvc at the top into the return rubbermaid tub), and nothing. The only thing in the intake part is a rock w/ mushrooms that hitchhiked (I keep the mushrooms in there because I have no lights in the DT, and they're feeding off an old T8 temporarily). He's lucky he did not get sucked up through the pump that feeds the fuge! He'd have been chopped up! How could I have NOT seen him for 3 weeks in the return area?

Anyway, I'll be trying to close up any more gaps. But I'm still in SHOCK. I just hope the other 2 chromis accept this guy back in. Since he has been in the same water the whole time, I can just put him in a small cup of the water and transfer him back to the DT right?


Hubby and I studied the overflows...I think I know what happened. I remember when I first discovered him missing, I was looking at the overflow, and noticed there was this gap right under the return pipes.


But I checked both overflows, and all over the pump, no fish, so I assumed they killed him off. But now, I know where he's been...BETWEEN the overflow's double-baffles!!! The fish love to "sleep" right by the baffles, so he probably floated and got sucked in. I'm guessing all or most tanks w/ the built in overflows have double baffles. I am positive he was in there for 3 weeks until he finally made his way out, into the overflow, and into the intake tank. He survived because of all the leftover food that ended up between the overflow's baffles. WHEW!! What a night!

I dumped him in the DT, and the other 2 made a beeline towards him....hopefully they don't shun him after his ordeal.
Funny what fish will do to escape.
Guess thay watched Finding Nemo too and think that all drains lead to the ocean.:D
All three are doing awesome together! Schooling together more than before and swimg up to me all the time.

Funny what fish will do to escape.
Guess thay watched Finding Nemo too and think that all drains lead to the ocean.:D

Hehhehe...I honestly think, though, that in this case, it was a "sleep-swimming" issue....Because they "sleep" next to the overflows, I wouldn't be surprised if he floated up and got sucked in and ended up between the baffles, where no one could see him.

Wonton, I'm a little pissed that you've got nicer mushrooms in your sump than I do in my DT. !!

And what you'll hate is that they grew like that while I was only using a plain ole 8 watt flourescent light bulb :mrgreen: The kind that came with the 10g when I was doing freshwater. I started out with just 1 huge mushroom, 1 medium size, and a couple of small shrooms...now, there's at least 10 mushrooms from medium to large.

They were hitchhikers. I wasn't ready for them, but they survived against all odds!
And what you'll hate is that they grew like that while I was only using a plain ole 8 watt flourescent light bulb :mrgreen: The kind that came with the 10g when I was doing freshwater. I started out with just 1 huge mushroom, 1 medium size, and a couple of small shrooms...now, there's at least 10 mushrooms from medium to large.

They were hitchhikers. I wasn't ready for them, but they survived against all odds!

See,Your already a reefer and didnt even know it.:D
See,Your already a reefer and didnt even know it.:D

Haha...I guess so :)

I saw one of the chromis (the same one, no doubt) hovering by that gap under the return barb that goes into the overflow again. Doofus. At least I know where to look next time.