Return Pump Recommendations

Heh heh. Maybe, maybe not. :D
Two quick unions and mine is out.
What I like better is it's dry. Less mess and just seems easier not having to play in the sump.
Either way works though. Personal preference.

1 Union and a bucket, Wallah :mrgreen:
It is really just a preference thing. I like the submersible pumps due to my tank being on a cabinet. Flex-able hose disconnects as quick, if not quicker than hard plumbed.

If I have the opportunity in my next house, to get an in wall tank, with a dedicated fish room like what Project5k set up, then I absolutely will hard plumb, and use an external pump.
Yeah I could see me doing that. I will also have a tank so large it will need a well pump Bwahahahahaa.

If you look at the rocks in my tank you can see the real design was not so much having 2 islands as much as it was having a trench like formation in the middle that is open for the fish to hang out it as well as a coral area.

So with a 4 foot deep tank that will make for an awesome trench to decorate with a lot of corals an will be easy to take care of with an open room dedicated for fish. I figure I would need a decent sized fish room since there will be no house space needed.
Thanks but the sump or the other 75Gal tank was dirty because I did not have my socks in when I put the sand in and it was even in the skimmer.

I also used to have tank water going to the fuge which really was ok but it was getting dirtier. I get the same benefit with the fuge but with water that has been through a sock, maybe the skimmer if it picked it up and then through my Carbon Reactor.

I am sure in a year it may need cleaning but it is glass so that is a cinch.

I need to clean up the wires some but there are so many I went with labels for now and will tie them later. Man the Labels are a headache saver. I used to pull the plug to the Maxi1200 for the Carbon Reactor and then have to check the fuge for flow to know I have the right plug.