Replacing my Lost Fish...What Should I Get?

Navarchus: I have always been under the impression that angels would nip and and eat coral...I have always stuck away from them because of that.

I have seen some juvenile navarchus angelfish at my LFS before and they are always in rough shape.

What are others opinions on angels?

My Navarchus behaves very well. He doesn't even nip at my clam's mantel. I highly recommend bluezooaquatics. My Nav was very healthy when he arrived and has been just wonderful to date. I keep the fish well fed, and I skim the heck out of my water, but I have not had any problems with my Nav. Others may have had different experiences, and it really comes down to the individual fish. Here is what I did, and it seems to be working:

(1) Got the smallest juvenile I could find;
(2) introduced it as the third member of the community--after two percula clowns;
(3) Introduced him when there was litte or no corals for him to eat. (I figured this way I could get him used to eating mysis and other goodies before experimenting with corals);
(4) Keep him well fed;
(5) Named him Bert

So far he has been a model citizen.
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Jenna,Have you thought about a Lamarcks Angel?
They are completely safe with corals,since they mainly feed on zooplankton.
Navarchus: Even though the Navarchus Angel is much more flashy and colourful than most other fish, I dont think I can risk putting it in my tank. I researched it when I got home and I have too many soft corals that I think it may pick at and I am not willing to risk it.
Too bad though because it really is a beautiful fish! Thanks for the suggestion!
I also will check into that ordering site you posted but I dont think that they will ship to Canada.

Yote: I also looked up the Lamarcks Angel and it is one that I may consider and see how readily available it is here at my LFS.
