Reef Lobsters?


Reef enthusiast
I was at my LFS yesterday buying some ghost shrimp for my stupid angler, and they had one of those purple reef lobsters. He was only about 1-2"... pretty little sucker. But he was $30. Live Aquaria sells the same one (for $20 i think) and it says that they are reef safe with caution. Need a lot of live rock and coarse sand for burrowing and they tend to only come out at night. And might be a danger to other inverts, which makes me worried about my fire shrimps, cleaner shrimp, serpent stars and snails.. Anyone have one? Think he would work in my big tank? I didn't like the idea of spending 30 bucks on something I'll never see so I passed, but still curious.
I don't think you'd ever see him. The people I know that have had them say that they see them a couple times a year. They are very shy critters! They sure are pretty, though.
I have had a Red/Purple and a Blue Spinney one before. In my Zero and RSMax both they would just dig a cave under the edge of the rock and stay there all day. It really was like not even having them, because the only time I would ever see them was late at night with a flashlight. I think they are really cool but not worth having because they become invisible.
I have had one for 7 yrs now and I need to warn you that I have seen him maybe 6 times in that span. If you are getting him to be seen by others then I would not get it. If you are getting it to say that you have one then go ahead and get him. I was fortunate to be down one night while it was dark.
