There's really no such thing as beneficial algae in a display tank, especially if you plan on keeping corals. Algae doesn't occur naturally on reefs, and it will smother out any corals you try to keep. Since your tank is fish only for now, it's only an eyesore and isn't hurting anything.
You definitely need powerheads. Koralias are expensive in a tank that size. I have a 240 gallon, and I run six Koralia 3s. MaxiJet is another brand of powerhead that works very well, and is a fraction of the price of Koralias. You can pick up a good MaxiJet for less than $20. I'd recommend six of them for a tank your size. Frankly, I'm really surprised the fish have been able to live with such little flow. Having too little flow will usually kill fish very quickly. In saltwater, that's a really important component of a tank. In nature, the reefs are very turbulent places. They are shallow, with big waves crashing over them constantly. There's a lot of water movement there, and that's what reef fish are used to living with.
You will be able to keep some corals with the fish you have, if you upgrade lights. Keeping anything with the lights you have now will be really iffy. Even the lowest light corals need more light than what you've got.
Your fish probably won't touch mushrooms and leather corals. They will eat pretty much everything else though, so you may be limited to those two types. Luckily, there is a lot of variety and color among mushrooms and leathers, and they are low light corals so you don't need to break out the big guns as far as lighting goes to keep them.