red algae


Reefing newb I'm pretty sure I've been had by the pet store owner. I was stupid enough to fall for, "oh, this rock already has a lot of nice growth on it." My fault! Now, I'm just wondering how I get rid of it. Its the top rock on the left.
I think the bigger concerns should be based around the setup you have for your tank..

by just looking at the pictures - looks like you have standard fish tank lights... depending what you are planning on keeping... they may not be enough..
Could be coralline,could be cyano.
If its cyano,cut the lights off for 3 or 4 days.Up water changes,and run some carbon and phos-guard.

Welcome back Ad.Bout time you showed back up.
If it's coralline then thats good. Its not putting off O2 like the algae does so it could be. Thanks for putting my mind at somewhat rest. I'll just keep an eye on it and see what happens. As to the lights. I have a 20 watt 50/50 high and low spectrum bulb in there now and plan to get a new light set up with over 100 watts once I get the money. That is after I upgrade to skimmer and not the HOB Bio-Wheel.
If it's slimy looking and feeling, then it's cyano (bad). If it's hard and flakey, it's coralline (good). Good plan to upgrade lights -- you won't be able to keep corals with the lights you have, but you will be able to keep fish just fine.
A lot of the LR I bought has that reddish color on it. I wasn't thinking of cyano but after reading these posts I know for sure its coralline.
Well mine is very dark red, I wouldn't call it purple though and doesn't brush off unless I want to chip it off. What are the other colors?
Could be coralline,could be cyano.
If its cyano,cut the lights off for 3 or 4 days.Up water changes,and run some carbon and phos-guard.

Welcome back Ad.Bout time you showed back up.

Thanks Yote! I've been trying to log in for awhile but have been so swamped at work I come home and barely want to touch my laptop!
Its fuzzy, somewhat slimy and rubs off pretty well with my finger so I'm guessing its cyano. I'm gonna take it out and scrub it off. I got one of the powerheads pointing which I think will help. The filter already has carbon in it. Should I get more? I'll keep the light off for a while, and see if the pet store has the phos-guard. Is there anything else I should do? I got a tag-along hermit crab with the rock so he should help but its only 2 days into the cycle so I'm not sure if he'll survive too long when everything skyrockets. Thanks everyone, now I just gotta find myself a new fish store to go to.
Not much more you can do, you are on the right track. If you have fish, be careful about what kind of foods you use. I would only use frozen foods, and avoid pellets and flakes, as they contain ash which can also contribute to algae.
Just make sure the phosphate remover you get is ferric iron based and not aluminum based. Find a good source of Reverse osmosis water for making up water for your tank, as your water source is likely the same as your local fish stores, or at least pulling from the same water table. Phosphates and nitrates are often high in LFS because a lot of them do not use RO filters, just tap water and they pretty much need to overstock their tanks to be able to carry enough stock in a limited show room space which typically leads to high nitrates. Tap water can contain a lot of phosphate, nitrogen and silicate all of which will feed algae. Charcoal is often the source of high phosphates levels in tanks that are using phosphate free RO water for Top off and make up water. Red is a regular coralline algae color. Not as common seen as pink, but still readily available. Red coralline is typically from a shallower water source than pink coralline. Pink is the same species of coralline but from deeper water and therefore with less red spectrum light exposure.