Reefing newb
I presently use a few different types and sizes. I use a lot of Sequence Darts (shaft drive external) and am now trying out a Sequence Snapper (shaft drive external), I use a lot of Iwakis (magnetic external) and am slowly replacing them with PanWorld pumps (magnetic external). I also use Ocean Runner pumps that are submersible to power my Turboflotor skimmers. I also feed chillers with Ocean Runners and use Maxi-Jet pump heads to aerate extra water and to feed raw water to my skimmers. I have no tanks with power heads in them (except a quarantine tank that has a sponge filter powered by a pump head that I can move from a regular tank sump to the quarantine tank when needed) as I use closed loop circulation in all my tanks.hmm, so do you use an in-line pump now? or another submersible?