questions about propagating ricordeas...


I Love Reefer
What can I do to help my ricordeas split? I feed them like twice a week. I feed em mysis, fortified brine, coral frenzy, and now just got reef chilli. I try to give all my corals and fish a varied diet. They look good. I've had em for at least 3 months. All my parameters are in check. Every once in a while I'll dose with seachem 'fuel'.
Also...what is an acceptable size for my ricordeas to be for me to frag them? Is there any advice someone can give me if I was considering fragging them? Should I cut them in half or quarters? What is the survival rate? Or is it more of a risk of losing them? I've fragged my acros and zoas and they all did fine. My acros are still growing and my zoas are still spreading.
I think people frag rics using the rubberband method (similar to open brains) but I can't say for sure, hopefully more experienced fraggers will chime in
Rics grow and spread slooooowly. Not nearly as fast as other types of mushrooms. You can have them for years and not have them split. The fewer cuts you make when fragging them, the higher their chance of survival. Since rics are so expensive, I would only cut them in half. You have to ensure that each half gets part of the mouth.