Question about new fish!!!!!!!!!!

My foxface won't at algae sheets, but he'll kill for chaeto or anything that's green and living. He broke into my in-tank refugium and ate almost all of it in one sitting.
Make sure he has a good spot to hide for when he is spooked/sleeping, seems to keep them less stressed. He's by far my favorite fish, I'm sure you'll love yours!

Do Fox's usually eat chaeto?
Did you get stung, Yote? what kind of treatment do they give for that?

I've been stung by a foxface several times.The best treatment is to wash the area with hot water and put some vinegar on it.A rabbitfish sting is just tad bit worse than a bumble bee in terms of itching and burning.

Soda,Most rabbitfish will eat anything thats green.Chaeto included.
Does your new one eat Algae sheets, Yote? I can't seem to get a way to get mine to eat it...I put it on a clip and it just sits there til it gets loose enough to float away and just attaches itself to the powerhead...
my foxface is a pretty yellow but as soon as i try to walk to the tank he starts to turn black and spotty looking. I know that he is probaly nervous and unaware of the tank but i just wanted to make sure that he is ok. Or maybe something i could do?
Does your new one eat Algae sheets, Yote? I can't seem to get a way to get mine to eat it...I put it on a clip and it just sits there til it gets loose enough to float away and just attaches itself to the powerhead...

Alex,he'll eat the Julian Sprung green sea veggies,but wont touch any other kind that I've tryed,including nori with garlic.
He's also loving the little turf algae patches that I've got,and that pisses the tangs off,cause they try to keep the other turf to themselves.
my foxface is a pretty yellow but as soon as i try to walk to the tank he starts to turn black and spotty looking. I know that he is probaly nervous and unaware of the tank but i just wanted to make sure that he is ok. Or maybe something i could do?

Thats perfectly normal for a rabbitfish.
It seems they not only change colors and patterns to hide,but to show their moods as well.
yeah, he'll get better - they tame up really fast. Before you know it, as soon as he sees you, he'll be begging for food.

Yote - what are julian sprung sea veggies? Yea I've tried w/garlic & no luck! He's surprisingly fussy about algae sheets considering he eats just about everything else (he loves flake-food)
I have a foxface also. The way I got mine to eat algae sheets I rubberband it to a piece of LR. If you just got him give it a few days before you try to get him to eat sheet algae. Mine will eat all types of food. He eats like a hog.
hey everyone well i am very happy today cuz i have been trying to get the rabbitfish to eat the purple veggie sheets that i have and i put some garlic on the sheet and man he started tearing that sheet up. Also he isnt spotting is dark colors no more he is perfectly yellow, just wanted to for all the info.