Question about new fish!!!!!!!!!!


Reefing newb
hey everyone last night i bought a fox face rabbitfish, and he is so bright and colorful. Well my question is that i wanted to make sure that i didnt purchase him to early or something like that. I know i should have asked this before i bought the fish but got him for a good deal so............I have a 120 gal tank with 30 gal sump and 10 fuge. My tank has been running since feb 09. All parms are good: AMMONIA - 0, NITRITE - 0, NITRATE - 10. any other tests you need to know just let me know. Thanks for the info.:^:
No, you didn't get him too early...even though they eat algae off the rocks, just feed him the algae sheets...they love it...mine even eat meaty food in the tank as well.
Agreed! I assume that you haven't bought any other fish recently? Now take your time and don't buy anymore for at least 3-4 weeks. Nice choice, Foxfaces are one of my favorites.
Your tank is about four months old. That is typically plenty of time to wait before adding your first fish. My 120 has only been up since Feb and I already have a Navarchus in it! Well, granted it is a juvenile.

What other organisms are in the tank? Have you gone through your algae blooms? Do you have a clean-up crew to handle any uneaten food your rabbitfish misses? How is the clean up crew doing? How large is the rabbit fish? Unless he is a tiny little guy, I reiterate the excellent advice of mng777777.
Everybody else has already taken care of your question.
So just watch those spines on the fishes back.Foxfaces tame down pretty good and its extremely easy to get stung.
No, you didn't get him too early...even though they eat algae off the rocks, just feed him the algae sheets...they love it...mine even eat meaty food in the tank as well.

question about the algae sheets, i bought purple algae sheets cant memba the name cuz im at work being will those be ok for him to eat?
Agreed! I assume that you haven't bought any other fish recently? Now take your time and don't buy anymore for at least 3-4 weeks. Nice choice, Foxfaces are one of my favorites.

Actually I do have some fish already. I have 1 clownfish and 1 3 stripe damsel, 1 3 spot damsel and a blue damsel. They should all get along right? Also i have seen alot of people with the rabbit fish so i assume their pretty reef safe?
Your tank is about four months old. That is typically plenty of time to wait before adding your first fish. My 120 has only been up since Feb and I already have a Navarchus in it! Well, granted it is a juvenile.

What other organisms are in the tank? Have you gone through your algae blooms? Do you have a clean-up crew to handle any uneaten food your rabbitfish misses? How is the clean up crew doing? How large is the rabbit fish? Unless he is a tiny little guy, I reiterate the excellent advice of mng777777.

Well my tank is actually 5 months old (not being a smart Right now in my tank i have 1clownfish, 1 3stripe damsel, 1 3spot damsel, 1 blue damsel, and now including the rabbitfish. i have a black sea urchin (hitchhiked), i have a orange tree sponge (hitchhiked), i also have about 30-40 snails, 15-20 blue leg hermit, 10-12 nassarius snails. Do i need any more CUC? I have gone through a green, brown, and cyano bacteria / algaes. The rabbitfish is about 3-4 inches.
yea i kinda surprise too but it seems they all get along well actually.....shocked the hell out of me but as of right now there not a nusicance.
My foxface won't at algae sheets, but he'll kill for chaeto or anything that's green and living. He broke into my in-tank refugium and ate almost all of it in one sitting.
Make sure he has a good spot to hide for when he is spooked/sleeping, seems to keep them less stressed. He's by far my favorite fish, I'm sure you'll love yours!
My foxface won't at algae sheets, but he'll kill for chaeto or anything that's green and living. He broke into my in-tank refugium and ate almost all of it in one sitting.
Make sure he has a good spot to hide for when he is spooked/sleeping, seems to keep them less stressed. He's by far my favorite fish, I'm sure you'll love yours!

Im sure he will be very happy with 120 gallons of water to swim in and 150lbs of LR to hide in so hopefully he does well. Thanks again for all the advice.:Cheers:
Your CUC is more than sufficient. In fact, it's huge. I am getting by with about 1/4 of what you have in terms of both snails and hermits. So again, it looks like you are all set for that foxface. It is a beautiful fish. Enjoy!