protein skimmer


Reefing newb
ok general question

i will soon be setting up my 90 gallon corner drilled tank
and have managed to fit a 30 gallon sump in my stand

in everyones opinion who is making the best, easily cared for, protein skimmer for this size tank and sump combo

i know you all will know better than me and i hate spending money twice for the same thing

i have a corallife super skimmer it works preaty well, but their are proably more that work better for less.
Do a lot of research ... always remember you get what you pay for ... i purchased an aqua medic turbo for my 120G ... i know you have a 90G but that is the brand i use
For a tank and sump that size, take a look into the Octopus brand of skimmers. I use one on my big tank, and they are great for the money.
The better question is how much you are willing to spend?

Going by the tons of threads I've read then the Octopus skimmer will be the best affordable skimmer.
i am willing to spend what it takes to have a quality product for my tank
not that money is no issue but i dont want to buy junk
i would much rather learn from the mistakes of others

i will check out the octopus brand

Skimmers can get ultra crazy in price so you would do best to set a target budget and be flexible with about a hundred dollars and go from their.
i have octopus skimmer and it is awesome, also got a euroreef skimmer to and it is awesome, so it depends on how much you want to spend, i would personally go with octopus i just got a good deal on used euroreef.
If you do not mind spending the money. ASM makes an excellent needle wheel skimmer. Just a step above OctoPus or Turboflotor in materials. It is larger though and therefore takes up more sump space. They use good quality pumps. Really all the skimmers in the 100 - 150 gallon range whether Coralife, Octopus TurboFlotor or ASM or all pretty much the same and mainly just differ in thir pump quality and quality of materials used in construction. They all do about equally well. The Coralifes capacity is a little more inflated than the others, but it is also the cheapest. There are no great standouts, as the technology is the same from needle wheel to needle wheel. I would not consider a venturi or not really even a Beckett type except for a high quality beckett for a cheap price. There are a lot of bad skimmers though. So before you make any final decision it would be best to air your thoughts before spending your money. I do believe in redundancy and over skimming. Therefore I would get two Coralife 125's instead of one of any of the other more expensive skimmers, such as Turboflotor, Octopus or ASM. I run doubled up TurboFlotors, but I also get a very good price on them as I purchase many of them. If I did not get that price I would run double Coralifes.
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thanks fatman

i will keep my eyes open, im about finished with my tank stand so i will be setting the tank up dry for a week or so to decide where the best placement is, assuming i wont be moving it once its full

i did get a 30 gallon tank to make my sump out of and it will fit quite well in my stand