Reefing newb
:frustrat: I have made no comparisons between the CSS 220 and the Octo NW200.What are you talking about...lmao. The Octo NW200 is $200 and the comparable CSS 220 is $210. The is no comparison between these skimmer. The Octo simply is a better skimmer design wise, price wise, construction wise and pump wise...period. Obviously you have not used both to see the differences or you wouldn't make that statement.
First off I was and am still referring to the CSS 125, second off the last time I looked at a Octopus that was made of cell cast acrylic it was a good deal more expensive than $200. I do not believe OctoPus sells a $200 skimmer made out of cell cast acrylic. Extruded plastic yes, but not cell cast acrylic. There pumps as I said are not as good as the pump sulpplied by Turboflotor. I have not said the pump in a CSS was better than a OctoPus, it might however be as good. The last Octopus I saw advertised as being made out of cell cast acrylic was around $350. I stiil state for the prices involved I wouldbuy two CSS 125's. The CSS 125 is the best bang for your buck. If you can come up with an url for a $200 dollar cell cast Octopus I would be more than happy to check it out.
As far as big dollar custom skimmers and expensive cell cast skimmers: In the words of the great Martin Moe, Jr. "Do you really need a U-Haul to bring back a library book?" or: In the words of Anthony Calfo, "Is it worth it to pay 100 % more to get 10 % or 20 % better performance?" or Again Anthony Calfo, "Will you get two times as much production from a $800 dollar skimmer as from two $400 skimmers?"
As far as using an Octopus, not interested in using one until on there cell cast models they start using better pumps and until they start using a gate valve instead of a slide tube for adjustment. For the prices they want for their cell cast models theyprovide too ittle, and for there extruded models they charge to much for what they provide, as does Turboflotor. I know no one who as of yet has tried out the CSS 220.